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University of Naughty

University of Naughty's Discussion Series

Discussion 10/18/2014 - "submissives..... the noun, not the verb"

(10/18/14 - 22:18:07 ® ) tyme :
so welcome A/all to the Discussion...... tonight's topic is submissives.....that is the noun, not the verb *w*

(10/18/14 - 22:18:12 ® ) NightMaster says to ~ashandra~ :
hello ash..good to be seen again

(10/18/14 - 22:18:13 ) ~morgan~ {Red Clay Blues} says to RCB{~morgan~} :
-twirls for You- do You like it?

(10/18/14 - 22:18:45 ) RCB{~morgan~} says to BOLT UPRIGHT :
Good evening

(10/18/14 - 22:18:53 ® ) NightMaster says to tyme :
Thank you very much...I have hopes for it...

(10/18/14 - 22:19:00 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to tyme: good topic..*S*

(10/18/14 - 22:19:13 ® ) NightMaster says to BOLT UPRIGHT :
Hello BU..

(10/18/14 - 22:19:18 ® ) dark muse says to tyme :
*settles in*

(10/18/14 - 22:19:19 ) BOLT UPRIGHT :

(10/18/14 - 22:19:33 ) BOLT UPRIGHT says to Voce Fittizio :

(10/18/14 - 22:19:37 ) Smooth Edge says to tyme :
I'm into nouns

(10/18/14 - 22:19:38 ) RCB{~morgan~} says to ~morgan~ {Red Clay B :
Always *S*...and still!

(10/18/14 - 22:19:43 ® ) tyme :
first i will start with what a submissive is not.... some of you maybe a slave or a pet and so the difference, well i wanted that to be clear first....

(10/18/14 - 22:19:55 ® ) NightMaster says to Voce Fittizio :
Evening Voce

(10/18/14 - 22:19:58 ) Voce Fittizio says to BOLT UPRIGHT :
And to you...*s*

(10/18/14 - 22:20:03 ) BOLT UPRIGHT says to ~ashandra~ :
Always liked that outfit ..and hopes I did not bruise you

(10/18/14 - 22:20:16 ® ) NightMaster says to *Badboy* :
Hey there Bb

(10/18/14 - 22:20:19 ® ) tyme :
A slave has completely given up control to their Master/Mistress. The balance of power is completely in favor of the Master/Mistress. However, the slave makes the initial choice to be a slave to a Master/Mistress and it not something they are forced into or made to do. Only after the relationship or scene has been discussed/negotiated and agreed on does the slave relinquish full control to their Master/Mistress. A slave may behave submissively (verb) but a slave is not a submissive (noun).

Please note that the Owner/slave relationship is entered into on a strictly consensual basis. The laws of all countries, (ex. the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution) strictly prohibits the practice of slavery. A pet is leaning more towards the side of a slave but for one big difference, sex may not be involved. In fact, in many cases it is not. A pet gives up themselves and obeys. They gain pleasure from the control and obeying commands, rarely from sex.

(10/18/14 - 22:20:44 ) Voce Fittizio says to NightMaster :
NM..good to see you

(10/18/14 - 22:21:34 ® ) tyme :
A pet is leaning more towards the side of a slave but for one big difference, sex may not be involved. In fact, in many cases it is not. A pet gives up themselves and obeys. They gain pleasure from the control and obeying commands, rarely from sex. (i oops'd on the coding...sorry

(10/18/14 - 22:21:38 ) ~morgan~ {Red Clay Blues} says to RCB{~morgan~} :
-curling up on Your lap as i listen-

(10/18/14 - 22:22:19 ® ) tyme :
now, a submissive (sub) (Noun) is submissive (submits) (verb) to their Dominant (Dom/Domme). They give up control for periods of time. Submissive’s have opinions and make choices. Sex is generally a big part of the relationship. The intensity of the D/s relationship is strong and the punishments and pain is real. In this relationship, subs retain the option to stop and this relationship often does not spill over into the everyday life/activities, although, if agreed upon it can. The D/s relationship is very often referred to as the mental side of BDSM. In online relationships, physical contact is not always a part of the relationship. Many online D/s relationships are fulfilled anonymously over the phone, by email or by instant messaging. While in other cases, in person, it can be intensely physical. Sometimes it will become a sado- masochistic relationship. In D/s relationships each participant will take pleasure, often sexual pleasure out of either dominating or being dominated. Ultimately the deeper you go into submission, the stronger you have to be. This may sound odd because you have to give up more of your control with each level the relationship goes to. You have to be very sure of yourself to be able to give up control and thought. Each level is serious and should never be taken lightly by the Dominant or the submissive, especially if you want to remain safe, sane, and consensual.

(10/18/14 - 22:22:31 ) sabrina says to tyme :
~nodding as i listen~

(10/18/14 - 22:22:57 ® ) tyme says to Smooth Edge :
so this is noun You like Sir?

(10/18/14 - 22:23:52 ) Gargoyle says to tyme :
*starting to take dictation*

(10/18/14 - 22:24:06 ) Smooth Edge says to tyme :
Very much *G*

(10/18/14 - 22:24:24 ) Voce Fittizio says to tyme :
you have omitted the adjective...was that deliberate?

(10/18/14 - 22:24:33 ) RCB{~morgan~} says to tyme :
So a slave is owned and therefore controlled........a pet is cared for out of necessity ....... ..but a submissive is an equal and submits by choice ..

(10/18/14 - 22:24:41 ® ) tyme :
The Edge is primarily home to "submissives" but without a doubt welcomes slaves and pets too. What are you, or.....what do You like?...

(10/18/14 - 22:24:58 ® ) bella :
Enters the room...

(10/18/14 - 22:25:08 ® M) Wraith{tyme} : I'm a slave to the grind

(10/18/14 - 22:25:23 ) Smooth Edge says to bella :
Evening bella-welcome

(10/18/14 - 22:25:29 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to bella: hello lovely bell..*S*

(10/18/14 - 22:25:37 ) sabrina says to bella :
~hugs~ hello sistah

(10/18/14 - 22:25:41 ) ~morgan~ {Red Clay Blues} says to tyme :
on person can be more than one of these things can they not?

(10/18/14 - 22:25:43 ) Smooth Edge says to Wraith{tyme} :
I see You more as a pet

(10/18/14 - 22:26:01 ® ) tyme says to Voce Fittizio :
never let it be said that i am an English major *w* do You have an opinion on the topic and we can discuss You as my writing tutor at a later time?

(10/18/14 - 22:26:09 ® ) ~ashandra~ says to bella :
*hugs* hello bella! *S*

(10/18/14 - 22:26:13 ® ) NightMaster says to tyme :
A wonderful opening...and I am sure the thoughts are gathering

(10/18/14 - 22:26:14 ) ~morgan~ {Red Clay Blues} says to bella :
-hugs- hello most prettiest of all

(10/18/14 - 22:26:18 ) Voce Fittizio says to Smooth Edge :
I didn't know the grind kept pets...*s*

(10/18/14 - 22:26:25 ® ) bella says to Smooth Edge :
good evening Sir. thank You

(10/18/14 - 22:26:29 ) RCB{~morgan~} says to bella :
Evening *S*

(10/18/14 - 22:26:33 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to Smooth Edge: Aww..you always say the sweetest things..you big sack of....Sugar...*G*

(10/18/14 - 22:26:38 ® ) bella says to Wraith{tyme} :
hello Sir ~s~

(10/18/14 - 22:26:42 ® ) dark muse says to bella :
*hugs* ...evening sis... *s*

(10/18/14 - 22:26:48 ) BOLT UPRIGHT :
I'm a slave to work

(10/18/14 - 22:26:51 ® ) NightMaster says to Smooth Edge :

(10/18/14 - 22:27:15 ® ) bella :
~waves n smiles~ good evening E.everyone ~hugs the girls then finds a seat~

(10/18/14 - 22:27:19 ® ) NightMaster says to bella :
Good evening lovely bella

(10/18/14 - 22:27:22 ® ) tyme says to RCB{~morgan~} :
that would be the common definition yes, though many have their own personal definitions of who and what they do......which is all good really, as long as it does not limit another....

(10/18/14 - 22:27:24 ) ~morgan~ {Red Clay Blues} says to RCB{~morgan~} :
-whispers- sent You a picture on yahoo Sir

(10/18/14 - 22:27:35 ) BOLT UPRIGHT says to bella :
Evening s

(10/18/14 - 22:27:57 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to tyme: you are a submissive..says so in the Contract..*S*

(10/18/14 - 22:28:05 ) Smooth Edge says to Wraith{tyme} :
NutraSweet these days

(10/18/14 - 22:28:11 ® ) tyme says to Wraith{tyme} :
not referring to Your employment Sir...... i think we are all slave that grind *w*

(10/18/14 - 22:28:42 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to Smooth Edge: stevia for Me..got to watch My figure..*S*

(10/18/14 - 22:28:52 ) Voce Fittizio says to tyme :
I was not meaning to be glib. Submissive as an adjective is descriptive of both behaviors and a mental state...some of those are present in people who refer to themselves as submissives, slaves or pets, but not necessarily all of them in any case. They are also transiently present in those who switch.

(10/18/14 - 22:28:54 ) RCB{~morgan~} says to ~morgan~ {Red Clay B :
A Halloween costume!

(10/18/14 - 22:29:06 ) BOLT UPRIGHT says to tyme :
Gets out my pencil and writes as I peer over glasses

(10/18/14 - 22:29:16 ® ) bella says to NightMaster :
good evening Sir

(10/18/14 - 22:29:36 ) ~morgan~ {Red Clay Blues} says to RCB{~morgan~} :
nodding lots

(10/18/14 - 22:29:38 ® ) tyme says to ~morgan~ {Red Clay B :
oh i would hope so morgan, i consider myself a submissive but for sure i do occasionally role-play the slave and especially the pet, but i wouldn't consider myself either as my way is not of a submissive *s*

(10/18/14 - 22:29:45 ® ) dark muse says to tyme :
Definitely a submissive here .. though i've been lovingly referred to as pet also..

(10/18/14 - 22:30:07 ® ) tyme says to NightMaster :
and Your thoughts Sir? *s*

(10/18/14 - 22:30:39 ) ~morgan~ {Red Clay Blues} :
was a slave in the past....never again, not for me....-shaking my head- for me it wasn't a healthy place but more because of the Master i had then

(10/18/14 - 22:30:43 ) http://www.tymeshare.com/files/IconOne/nostalgia1.jpg :
Enters the room...

(10/18/14 - 22:30:46 ) sabrina says to tyme :
i am definitely a submissive.

(10/18/14 - 22:30:47 ® ) tyme says to bella :
hey sexy...welcome....just in time *s*

(10/18/14 - 22:31:13 ® ) bella says to tyme :
thank you, beauty ~s~

(10/18/14 - 22:31:31 ) BOLT UPRIGHT :

(10/18/14 - 22:31:35 ® ) tyme says to Wraith{tyme} :
yes Sir *s* that's me *s*

(10/18/14 - 22:31:40 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to http://www.tymeshare: hello Me..it's Me again..*G*

(10/18/14 - 22:31:48 ) Smooth Edge says to tyme :
I agree primarily about the fact the strength is a vital component for the true submissive...the act of genuine submission comes from strength and is always to be respected. That may be part of the reason strong, independent women make the best submissives. That and because they find one safe place where they can yield some of the control they wield so often.

(10/18/14 - 22:32:05 ® ) bella says to dark muse :
~hugs~ hello sis.. love your look

(10/18/14 - 22:32:08 ) sabrina says to ~morgan~ {Red Clay B :
i think all of us who have been a slave have had those Masters...Ones who are out only to hurt

(10/18/14 - 22:32:23 ) Voce Fittizio says to tyme :
do you think the exchange of power is fundamentally different or that the trappings and physical manifestations vary?

(10/18/14 - 22:32:28 ® ) tyme says to Voce Fittizio :
certainly fits the description *s* thank You *s*

(10/18/14 - 22:33:10 ) ~morgan~ {Red Clay Blues} says to sabrina :
-nodding- i don't believe He meant to hurt....it just wasn't right for me...it lasted almost 4 years....

(10/18/14 - 22:33:25 ) Smooth Edge says to dark muse :
Yes you are...well said

(10/18/14 - 22:33:32 ® ) dark muse says to bella :
love yours too *smiles*

(10/18/14 - 22:33:41 ) BOLT UPRIGHT PRIVATELY whispers to everyone :

(10/18/14 - 22:33:55 ® ) tyme PRIVATELY whispers to http://www.tymeshare :
please take a proper name

(10/18/14 - 22:34:07 ) RCB{~morgan~} says to tyme :
Hmmmmm....Slavery does not necessarily require trust .......a pet does not necessarily require willful submission , only need.....but submission is a 2 way street ..trust and respect necessarily on both sides.

(10/18/14 - 22:34:32 ) BOLT UPRIGHT says to Smooth Edge :
Perhaps freeing them to use that strength and other areas of their lives

(10/18/14 - 22:34:41 ) sabrina says to tyme :
it seems like a lot of time in the slave relationship the Master is not content with one girl...yet in the submissive relationship the One only takes one girl

(10/18/14 - 22:34:42 ) BOLT UPRIGHT says to Smooth Edge :
In other areas

(10/18/14 - 22:34:55 ) Smooth Edge says to BOLT UPRIGHT :

(10/18/14 - 22:35:28 ) ~morgan~ {Red Clay Blues} says to RCB{~morgan~} :
-smiling up to You as i listen-

(10/18/14 - 22:35:35 ) BOLT UPRIGHT says to sabrina :
That is part of why I have not settled in for a great deal of time with one submissive

(10/18/14 - 22:35:48 ® ) dark muse says to Smooth Edge :
smiles.. as Yours was.

(10/18/14 - 22:35:52 ) RCB{~morgan~} says to ~morgan~ {Red Clay B :
Snuggle in a bit closer *S*

(10/18/14 - 22:35:53 ) http://www.tymeshare.com/files/IconOne/nostalgia1.jpg says to tyme :
I think the word submissive, and pet, in some relationships...are almost parallel...in a relationship that has grown...pet is a word of affection...to the submissive, and cannot be looked at as changing that relationships path

(10/18/14 - 22:35:54 ® ) tyme says to Smooth Edge :
i would agree completely Sir.......have seen that many times, the boss in the workplace and the submissive in their personal life *s*

(10/18/14 - 22:36:47 ) ~morgan~ {Red Clay Blues} says to RCB{~morgan~} :
-snuggling as close to You as i possible can...purring softly-

(10/18/14 - 22:37:21 ) BOLT UPRIGHT says to tyme :
And openly refer to their home life as or mention the presence of a master.. While her office mates laugh at her cute choice of words not realizing she is quite serious

(10/18/14 - 22:37:27 ) Smooth Edge says to tyme :
I'm not sure this room represents a large enough sample, but without mentioning names, I have known many of the submissives here for a good while...As far as I have seen, they are all strong, independent women.

(10/18/14 - 22:37:40 ® ) tyme says to sabrina :
sadly all walks of life and especially here on line finds those that hide, seeking victims rather than a slave , submissive or pet

(10/18/14 - 22:38:32 ) RCB{~morgan~} says to Smooth Edge :
Some with serious attitude *L*

(10/18/14 - 22:38:50 ) Smooth Edge says to RCB{~morgan~} :
*L* that too

(10/18/14 - 22:38:51 ) http://www.tymeshare.com/files/IconOne/nostalgia1.jpg says to tyme :
Wow, how did I get this broke..~chuckles~

(10/18/14 - 22:38:52 ) sabrina says to Smooth Edge :
but sometimes independence gets me in trouble

(10/18/14 - 22:39:25 ® ) bella says to Wraith{tyme} :
You only have the image code... not the rest of the code...

(10/18/14 - 22:39:34 ) Voce Fittizio :
which leads to an interesting question...why if the dominant/submissive relationship is exclusive...should we expect a submissive to act submissively with anyone else?

(10/18/14 - 22:39:44 ) Smooth Edge says to sabrina :
Independence can be meshed with submission sabi if the M/s relationship is sound and communication between them good

(10/18/14 - 22:40:18 ® ) NightMaster :

(10/18/14 - 22:40:32 ) RCB{~morgan~} says to sabrina :
Keep a pocket sized copy of the Constitution for those times *S*

(10/18/14 - 22:41:05 ) sabrina says to Smooth Edge :
i must be submitting to the wrong Men

(10/18/14 - 22:41:08 ® ) tyme says to Voce Fittizio :
i think that for many the definitions are strict, while for others they are flexible, for me, a TPE 24/7 would be for the Master/slave relationship, where for the D/s relationship, TPE is reserved for specific times and as far as physical trappings, often that is truly each relationship's choice, with some being all about the physical all the way to some having no sexual intimacy

(10/18/14 - 22:41:40 ) Smooth Edge says to sabrina :
Now that I cannot comment on because I do not know *s*

(10/18/14 - 22:41:53 ® ) NightMaster says to sabrina :
Eevery submissive needs that bit of independence....it lets her continue to grow...

(10/18/14 - 22:41:55 ) RCB{~morgan~} says to Voce Fittizio :
They may not necessarily . They may act out of general respect until proven wrong

(10/18/14 - 22:42:11 ) ~morgan~ {Red Clay Blues} says to RCB{~morgan~} :
-whispers- i don't want that last one tyme said!

(10/18/14 - 22:42:46 ) BOLT UPRIGHT says to sabrina :
I always try to find out a bit about a girls relationship with her father ..was he loving ..absent .. Strict ... Many time she will seek the same type of man the rest of her life

(10/18/14 - 22:43:29 ) Smooth Edge says to Voce Fittizio :
submissives should act with respect to a Dom or Domme until He or She indicates they are not deserving of that respect. But they do not have to submit to Dom/mes.

(10/18/14 - 22:43:42 ) sabrina says to BOLT UPRIGHT :
my father was firm but fair and loved me very much

(10/18/14 - 22:43:48 ) RCB{~morgan~} says to ~morgan~ {Red Clay B :
~stroking your glistening thigh ~

(10/18/14 - 22:43:52 ® ) bella says to Smooth Edge :
i was thinking the same, Sir

(10/18/14 - 22:44:13 ) Smooth Edge says to BOLT UPRIGHT :
I ask about their relationship with their banker *nods*

(10/18/14 - 22:44:16 ) BOLT UPRIGHT says to sabrina :
Typically I would think you would look for those qualities in the menu have relationships with whatever nature they maybe

(10/18/14 - 22:44:26 ) ~morgan~ {Red Clay Blues} says to RCB{~morgan~} :
-mmmm wiggling closer-

(10/18/14 - 22:44:32 ® ) tyme says to RCB{~morgan~} :
i would respectfully disagree Sir, at least initially, entering into the slave or pet relationship should demand trust, and the choice to enter into that relationship, once there, well that is different or could be...... and i agree regarding submissives, trust and respect should be present *s*

(10/18/14 - 22:44:40 ) Smooth Edge says to bella :
I could be wrong then *G*

(10/18/14 - 22:44:45 ® ) dark muse says to Voce Fittizio :
i don't believe i act submissively to anyone other than SE.. i do try to be respectful....and with well known Doms who i consider friends, i do sometimes defer to them... but not always , even then.

(10/18/14 - 22:45:05 ) BOLT UPRIGHT says to Smooth Edge :
It stands to reason as a professional man you would want to know how she conducts her finances .. Logical

(10/18/14 - 22:45:30 ) RCB{~morgan~} says to tyme :
Point taken *S*

(10/18/14 - 22:45:33 ® ) tyme says to sabrina :
while i do agree sabrina, i do think that that is also not always the case, but it certainly seems the way it is usually seen *s*

(10/18/14 - 22:45:35 ) Voce Fittizio says to tyme :
then we are in agreement...there is a spectrum of behavior...along with a spectrum of mental states..each characterized by a greater or lesser degree of power exchange. I think implicit in the use of the word exchange is that the submissive starts out as powerful

(for me personally, weak submissives are not at all attractive).

(10/18/14 - 22:45:46 ® M) Wraith{tyme} : no one should let another run sharp steel over their body if there is no trust..trust is the corner stone of a D/s relationship

(10/18/14 - 22:45:53 ® ) bella says to Smooth Edge :
~soft laff~ so You are saying that i am wrong?

(10/18/14 - 22:46:35 ) Smooth Edge says to bella :
Just taking one of My cheap shots bella..you know I can't resist *G*

(10/18/14 - 22:47:17 ® ) tyme :
while i am often is the role of pet to my Dominant Wraith, i am not a pet by definition, i simply play one and like to at times *s*

(10/18/14 - 22:47:19 ) Voce Fittizio says to RCB{~morgan~} :
True, but why not present as equals until an exchange has been agreed?

(10/18/14 - 22:47:22 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to Smooth Edge: you're incorrigible Brother..*G*

(10/18/14 - 22:47:25 ) Smooth Edge says to dark muse :
Just as you should My pet

(10/18/14 - 22:48:01 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to tyme: saying that you ARE formally pup trained..*S*

(10/18/14 - 22:48:02 ) Smooth Edge says to Wraith{tyme} :
Thank You

(10/18/14 - 22:48:03 ) RCB{~morgan~} says to Wraith{tyme} :
No Damascus steel katanas without trust *S*

(10/18/14 - 22:48:15 ® ) bella says to Smooth Edge :
yes Sir ... of course...

(10/18/14 - 22:48:20 ) BOLT UPRIGHT says to Smooth Edge :
I always encourage you every chance I get you are an encourager bull on

(10/18/14 - 22:48:37 ) Voce Fittizio says to Smooth Edge :
I'm not sure about that. People should act with respect towards one another regardless of how they style themselves.

(10/18/14 - 22:48:58 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to RCB{~morgan~}: got tyme one of those for Christmas..*S*

(10/18/14 - 22:49:01 ) RCB{~morgan~} says to Voce Fittizio :
I try to do exactly that *S*

(10/18/14 - 22:49:14 ) BOLT UPRIGHT says to tyme :
Anyway ..looks back with a new pencil

(10/18/14 - 22:49:18 ® ) dark muse says to Voce Fittizio :
i believe that's why i'm respectful to others. *s*

(10/18/14 - 22:49:45 ) sabrina says to dark muse :
i think i am respectful

(10/18/14 - 22:50:11 ) Smooth Edge says to Voce Fittizio :
True but submissives owe an extra degree of respect to Doms until reason arises not to show such respect.That is not submission though.

(10/18/14 - 22:50:33 ® ) bella says to sabrina :
you always are sabi ~hugs~

(10/18/14 - 22:50:52 ® ) dark muse says to sabrina :
Of course you are ..*s* and not necessarily because you're a submissive. i imagine you're probably respectful to people in general , correct ? *s*

(10/18/14 - 22:50:59 ® ) NightMaster says to Voce Fittizio :
I agree, a weak submissive, will not bring out the best in her Master...and that power is part of the attraction to that submissive..

(10/18/14 - 22:51:00 ) sabrina says to bella :
~hugs~ thanks bella...sometimes i wonder

(10/18/14 - 22:51:22 ) sabrina says to dark muse :
yes i do

(10/18/14 - 22:51:30 ) Smooth Edge says to NightMaster :
Very true

(10/18/14 - 22:52:00 ® ) NightMaster says to Wraith{tyme} :
a strong cornerstone...yes...as is respect..they go hand in hand

(10/18/14 - 22:52:06 ) RCB{~morgan~} says to ~morgan~ {Red Clay B :
Has the cat got your tongue? *S*

(10/18/14 - 22:52:20 ) Voce Fittizio says to Smooth Edge :
There I disagree. It is too easy for someone to announce "I am Lord

(M)aster Dom" or some such. Respect is earned not presumed because of a choice of name.

(10/18/14 - 22:52:28 ) sabrina says to NightMaster :
so it is better if i speak my mind even when i know it will get the Dom mad?

(10/18/14 - 22:52:39 ) BOLT UPRIGHT says to sabrina :
Is there a brat lurking beneath that? Which isn't a bad thing ...a playful submissive with energy is a grand thing ?

(10/18/14 - 22:52:51 ® ) tyme says to Voce Fittizio :
i can only speak for myself, i am a submissive, by nature and choice, i behave submissively when i can with groups of people, say at a munch, it is like i can be myself among friends or like-minds. In the workplace however, my submissiveness is not so obvious, as my position does not lend itself to my being, what i would call, my true self. i don't think it is odd to expect that in special settings, like here, subs behave submissively, we can, so we do....

(10/18/14 - 22:52:57 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to sabrina: yes

(10/18/14 - 22:53:10 ® ) bella says to Voce Fittizio :
well said Sir ~s~

(10/18/14 - 22:53:10 ) ~morgan~ {Red Clay Blues} :
oh no my One i'm just listening -resting my head on Your chest-

(10/18/14 - 22:53:36 ) Smooth Edge says to Voce Fittizio :
I was talking about Doms and Dommes..not merely those who call themselves that,,Capping pronouns doesn’t make them Dom/mes

(10/18/14 - 22:53:38 ® ) dark muse says to sabrina :
in my opinion....yes.

(10/18/14 - 22:54:17 ) sabrina says to dark muse :
ohhhhhhhhhhhh that can get me in deep trouble

(10/18/14 - 22:54:20 ) RCB{~morgan~} says to ~morgan~ {Red Clay B :
~stroking you neck and shoulders .I forget...you have been ill

(10/18/14 - 22:54:37 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to sabrina: It shouldn't

(10/18/14 - 22:54:40 ) ~morgan~ {Red Clay Blues} says to tyme :
very well said....we can behave as we truly are...without judgment....and it’s a wonderful thing...very freeing

(10/18/14 - 22:55:04 ) sabrina says to dark muse :
but some cannot handle the truth

(10/18/14 - 22:55:14 ) Smooth Edge says to sabrina :
I agree with Wrath sabi. A real Dom is not threatened by a submissive who speaks her mind if done in the right way.

(10/18/14 - 22:55:18 ) sabrina says to Wraith{tyme} :
but some can't handle the truth

(10/18/14 - 22:55:31 ® ) NightMaster says to Voce Fittizio :
That goes without saying, but there is a different level of respect in a D/s relationship than in your everyday life ...in both all lifestyles...respect should be earned ..

(10/18/14 - 22:55:36 ) RCB{~morgan~} says to sabrina :
You just had a Jack Nicholson moment *S*!

(10/18/14 - 22:56:00 ) Smooth Edge says to sabrina :
I saw that movie too *L*

(10/18/14 - 22:56:05 ) sabrina says to RCB{~morgan~} :
~giggles~ i realized that as i read the post

(10/18/14 - 22:56:37 ) Voce Fittizio says to Smooth Edge :
Even then...to become a dominant is a lifestyle choice not a measure of any inherent worth.

(10/18/14 - 22:56:42 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to sabrina: then they aren't proper Dominants..a good Dom wants you to be honest and have honest discussions with you...they desire to know how you think and feel..regardless of whether it might hurt their lil feelers..*S*

(10/18/14 - 22:56:42 ® ) tyme says to Wraith{tyme} :
graduated with Honors from my "pet" class Sir..... *w*

(10/18/14 - 22:56:45 ® ) dark muse says to sabrina :
If they can't handle the truth, you probably shouldn't worry about pissing them off ...*g*

(10/18/14 - 22:56:48 ) RCB{~morgan~} says to sabrina :
It, however is no less true!

(10/18/14 - 22:57:33 ) Smooth Edge says to dark muse :

(10/18/14 - 22:57:40 ) silent storm :
Enters the room...

(10/18/14 - 22:57:44 ® M) Wraith{tyme} softly caresses tyme 's cheek with a warm palm: always have the best time having you fetch dildoes for Me My pet..*S*

(10/18/14 - 22:57:44 ) BOLT UPRIGHT :
If it's that screwed up then perhaps they are an ill fit

(10/18/14 - 22:57:51 ) silent storm :
evening Aall

(10/18/14 - 22:58:07 ® ) dark muse says to silent storm :
welcome in stormy ...*s* *hugs*

(10/18/14 - 22:58:19 ) Smooth Edge says to silent storm :
Evening. your first time among us?

(10/18/14 - 22:58:22 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to silent storm: hello stormy..*S*

(10/18/14 - 22:58:28 ) sabrina says to silent storm :
hello storm

(10/18/14 - 22:58:34 ® ) tyme says to dark muse :
i think we, many of us, capped letters too *w* have manners here

(10/18/14 - 22:58:38 ) Voce Fittizio says to dark muse :
if they can't handle truth, what's the point of submitting?

(10/18/14 - 22:58:57 ) RCB{~morgan~} says to silent storm :
Evening **S

(10/18/14 - 22:59:05 ) BOLT UPRIGHT says to silent storm :
Greetings ..I ate all the Doritos

(10/18/14 - 22:59:11 ) silent storm says to dark muse :
hugs ~ hi muse ~s

(10/18/14 - 22:59:33 ) ~morgan~ {Red Clay Blues} says to RCB{~morgan~} :
-whispers as to not interrupt- would You please excuse me for a moment my Love?

(10/18/14 - 22:59:38 ) silent storm says to Smooth Edge :
hello Sir , no but it’s been a few years

(10/18/14 - 22:59:54 ® ) dark muse says to Voce Fittizio :
i would agree..

(10/18/14 - 22:59:55 ) Smooth Edge says to silent storm :
Nice to meet you

(10/18/14 - 23:00:01 ) silent storm says to Wraith{tyme} :
hello Wraith ~s

(10/18/14 - 23:00:10 ) RCB{~morgan~} says to ~morgan~ {Red Clay B :
Of course ......Soon then!

(10/18/14 - 23:00:17 ) silent storm says to sabrina :
hello ~s

(10/18/14 - 23:00:53 ® ) NightMaster says to sabrina :
That is how a Dom will continue to learn and understand the submissive. if there is no exchange on ideas and likes and dislikes...they will not grow as Oone

(10/18/14 - 23:00:55 ) silent storm says to RCB{~morgan~} :
hello RCB ~s

(10/18/14 - 23:01:07 ) ~morgan~ {Red Clay Blues} says to RCB{~morgan~} :
i won't be long -kissing You deeply before slipping from Your lap-

(10/18/14 - 23:01:55 ® ) NightMaster says to Smooth Edge :
I agree...

(10/18/14 - 23:02:03 ) BOLT UPRIGHT says to NightMaster :
Sounds more like slavery ..if no ideas are exchanged

(10/18/14 - 23:02:04 ® ) tyme says to dark muse :
ditto muse! regarding those handling the truth *w*

(10/18/14 - 23:02:06 ) silent storm says to BOLT UPRIGHT :
laughs ~ did you lick your fingers clean ? hello again

(10/18/14 - 23:02:32 ) silent storm says to Smooth Edge :
nice to meet You to

(10/18/14 - 23:02:44 ® ) tyme says to silent storm :
welcome *s*

(10/18/14 - 23:03:06 ) BOLT UPRIGHT says to silent storm :
You just want to get me all excited s

(10/18/14 - 23:03:28 ) silent storm says to tyme :
hi tyme ~s

(10/18/14 - 23:03:58 ) RCB{~morgan~} :
wooo hooo witchy woman, see how high she flies *S

(10/18/14 - 23:04:02 ® ) NightMaster says to silent storm :
Evening silent storm...

(10/18/14 - 23:04:02 ) BOLT UPRIGHT says to NightMaster :
My very first submissive taught me a great deal.. Even though she could never be the dominant one in the relationship

(10/18/14 - 23:04:20 ® ) tyme :
moving on..... to the last post......

(10/18/14 - 23:04:33 ) BOLT UPRIGHT says to NightMaster :
I miss her every day of my life

(10/18/14 - 23:04:47 ) silent storm says to BOLT UPRIGHT :
better you then me ~w

(10/18/14 - 23:04:47 ) peyton :
Enters the room...

(10/18/14 - 23:04:48 ® ) tyme :
SSC = Safe, Sane Consensual If you do not know what this means or feel you have no control over these aspects in a BDSM relationship, you need to stop portraying, playing, or considering being a submissive, slave or pet to a Master, dominant or Owner. Likewise, you Dom/Dommes/Master/Mistresses, in whatever role you are, if you are considering a partner, in the submissive/slave/pet position, if You or they are unaware of Yours or their responsibility to SSC, STOP. If either of you are not aware of, and concerned with this issue, you need to go back to the books, observing, learning….. Y/you are not a safe play- partner. Nightmare stories abound of abusive tops hurting their victims and equally as many victims accusing the Top of abuse or worse yet, promoting the mistaken idea that subs/slaves/pets are mindless victims. In fact, these people are suffering from mental health issues and should be in counseling or confined to a mental health facility in the worst cases. Again, beware! There are far too many people, tops and bottoms who find themselves with someone who is not healthy and trying to live the BDSM lifestyle because they feel they can hide there. Sadly, too many get away with it, especially online, until they are discovered and called out.

(10/18/14 - 23:04:54 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to tyme: YaaaaY!!!....oops..did I say that out loud ?

(10/18/14 - 23:05:04 ) silent storm says to NightMaster :
hello Sir

(10/18/14 - 23:05:05 ) Smooth Edge says to BOLT UPRIGHT :
Sorry for You Bolt

(10/18/14 - 23:05:26 ® ) NightMaster says to BOLT UPRIGHT :
I certainly can understand that BU

(10/18/14 - 23:05:29 ) BOLT UPRIGHT says to silent storm :
yes I agree s

(10/18/14 - 23:05:31 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to peyton: hello peyton..*S*

(10/18/14 - 23:05:56 ) Gargoyle says to tyme :
I know I am pretty silent however I will stop dictation to quickly state something... as a perspective Dom I look for trust from my sub and my trust to my sub she trusts me to not do anything against her wishes and I trust her to give me honest answers of what she likes or doesn't like. if we are both in new waters we research it out and both agree to do it at that time if there is no consensus there is no moving forward with that particular plan. when it comes to her person she is her own woman and is free to do as she wills. but during the time she actively submits to me she is trusting me not to break our basic contract and do something without her approval. for if I do I can lose the sub because that trust is shattered... that is all

(10/18/14 - 23:06:04 ) peyton says to Wraith{tyme} :
good evening Sir *s*

(10/18/14 - 23:07:03 ) Smooth Edge says to tyme :
it is impossible, at least for Me, to add anything to that post tyme. It is way too dead on in every aspect.

(10/18/14 - 23:07:07 ) RCB{~morgan~} says to tyme :
And yet it would seem to be so easy to escape an unhealthy online relationship ....and then again

(10/18/14 - 23:07:13 ® ) dark muse says to tyme :
well said! ........smiles

(10/18/14 - 23:07:28 ) BOLT UPRIGHT says to NightMaster :
Even the very mechanism of how a "pain slut " is aroused and more than can be discussed here in a single post ..goes silent

(10/18/14 - 23:07:35 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to Gargoyle: At least when you type out a mouthful it makes sense..*S*

(10/18/14 - 23:07:43 ) BOLT UPRIGHT says to Smooth Edge :
thanks my Friend

(10/18/14 - 23:07:52 ® ) NightMaster says to tyme :
your keyboard must be smoking!!!!

(10/18/14 - 23:08:33 ® ) tyme says to Gargoyle :
very good points and clearly how You like Your relationships to grow *s*

(10/18/14 - 23:08:37 ® ) bella :
some men claim to be Doms.. when in fact they are just mean spirited control freaks. they think that calling themselves a Dom gives them power over a submissive.. and that they can use them as a punching bag... or abuse them verbally to make themselves feel superior

(10/18/14 - 23:08:42 ® ) dark muse says to peyton :
good evening peyton *s*

(10/18/14 - 23:09:03 ) Smooth Edge says to Gargoyle :
Good thoughts G-speaks well of your potential as a Dom

(10/18/14 - 23:09:27 ) sabrina says to bella :
well said bella

(10/18/14 - 23:09:28 ) peyton says to dark muse :
good evening *s*

(10/18/14 - 23:09:37 ) sabrina says to peyton :
hello peyton

(10/18/14 - 23:09:49 ) peyton says to sabrina :
hello sabrina *s*

(10/18/14 - 23:10:03 ® ) bella says to sabrina :
thank you sis ~s~

(10/18/14 - 23:10:18 ) peyton :
vanishes over the edge...

(10/18/14 - 23:10:30 ® ) NightMaster says to Gargoyle :
Learning is a two way street..and that learning never ends...even in a D/s relationship[...there a partnership between the Ttwo..without having to say it

(10/18/14 - 23:10:37 ® ) tyme says to RCB{~morgan~} :
while squelch and signing off are always options, if one has in the meantime discovered personal details, location, and the like, an abuser/user can take advantage and even beyond, striking out in RT, again, if the relationship got that far before discovery....

(10/18/14 - 23:10:50 ) ~morgan~ {Red Clay Blues} says to RCB{~morgan~} :
-slipping back up to You lap- thank You my Love

(10/18/14 - 23:11:02 ) Voce Fittizio says to bella :
I agree...self-aggrandizing misogyny is not dominance...it is at best just selfish and at worst sick.

(10/18/14 - 23:11:06 ) Smooth Edge says to bella :
Sad and tragic but very true..Common misunderstandings about the lifestyle lead jerks like you describe to abuse it

(10/18/14 - 23:11:16 ) RCB{~morgan~} says to tyme :
Now you’re scaring me *L*

(10/18/14 - 23:11:19 ® ) NightMaster says to bella :
Well said and very true

(10/18/14 - 23:11:23 ) BOLT UPRIGHT says to bella :
I'm glad you did not describe me just now with that statement… Smiles

(10/18/14 - 23:11:24 ® ) tyme says to NightMaster :
all just opinions and topics for conversations Sir *w*

(10/18/14 - 23:11:30 ) Smooth Edge says to peyton :
Good evening peyton

(10/18/14 - 23:11:46 ) RCB{~morgan~} says to ~morgan~ {Red Clay B :
Welcome back lover*S*

(10/18/14 - 23:11:48 ® ) dark muse says to bella :
Sadly, that's very true also. And it abounds in bdsm chat rooms.. which is why it's so important that a submissive feels empowered enough to see through that type of behavior and refuse to let it happen.

(10/18/14 - 23:12:01 ® ) bella says to Voce Fittizio :
yes Sir.. You said that in a much more sophisticated way than i did ~soft laff~

(10/18/14 - 23:12:05 ) ~morgan~ {Red Clay Blues} says to RCB{~morgan~} :
i know where You live my Love

(10/18/14 - 23:12:25 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to bella: That's so true it's kinda sad...Me and Smooth hunt them down and tar_n_feather them

(10/18/14 - 23:12:46 ) Gargoyle says to tyme :
sorry for the bad writting I'm trying to take this all down for bliss because she isn't here *continues dictation*

(10/18/14 - 23:12:53 ) RCB{~morgan~} says to ~morgan~ {Red Clay B :
Good !....then you know where to send the ambulance!

(10/18/14 - 23:12:57 ) ~morgan~ {Red Clay Blues} says to RCB{~morgan~} :

(10/18/14 - 23:12:59 ) Voce Fittizio says to bella :
you said it as well as anyone...*s*

(10/18/14 - 23:13:14 ® ) bella says to Smooth Edge :
yes Sir... ~nodding~ thank You ~s~

(10/18/14 - 23:13:23 ) ~morgan~ {Red Clay Blues} says to RCB{~morgan~} :
-laughing- yes i do

(10/18/14 - 23:13:33 ® ) bella says to NightMaster :
thank you Sir

(10/18/14 - 23:13:38 ) Smooth Edge says to Wraith{tyme} :
So many jerks..so little time

(10/18/14 - 23:13:53 ® ) tyme says to bella :
sadly true bella...... but saying that, there is many subs that have literally contracted for certain behaviors that another sub might find distasteful, sometimes it is a persons choice to be treated a certain way, but again, only when that is fully agreed to is it okay for them, if not, those behaviors, treating another as if they were a punching bag is certainly not okay

(10/18/14 - 23:14:01 ® ) bella says to BOLT UPRIGHT :
i hope i didn’t ~s~

(10/18/14 - 23:14:06 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to Gargoyle: Chuckles*...bliss knows we post the discussions on the site for Aall to read..*W*

(10/18/14 - 23:14:52 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to Smooth Edge: And we so hate busy work..someday we'll run out of wannabes and pretenders..*G*

(10/18/14 - 23:14:59 ® ) tyme says to RCB{~morgan~} :
why is that Sir, i mean which post scares *l* You?

(10/18/14 - 23:15:00 ® ) bella says to dark muse :
yes... well said sis.. ~s~

(10/18/14 - 23:15:02 ) BOLT UPRIGHT says to bella :
No ...not at all ..s

(10/18/14 - 23:15:25 ® ) bella says to Wraith{tyme} :
now that.. i would like to see ~s~

(10/18/14 - 23:15:26 ) RCB{~morgan~} says to Wraith{tyme} :
You mean all this could wind up in a deposition?

(10/18/14 - 23:15:42 ) Smooth Edge says to Wraith{tyme} :
Not as long as chatro is around *L*

(10/18/14 - 23:16:01 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to RCB{~morgan~}: I'm not worried I have a top notch lawyer friend..*S*

(10/18/14 - 23:16:23 ® ) bella says to Voce Fittizio :
thank You Sir ~s~

(10/18/14 - 23:16:28 ® ) tyme says to Gargoyle :
the discussion will posted with past discussion so all can access..... well if i remember to copy it that is *w*

(10/18/14 - 23:16:36 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to Smooth Edge: Ah yes..that breeding ground of infectious doms..*L*

(10/18/14 - 23:16:59 ) Smooth Edge says to Wraith{tyme} :
Introduce Me to him

(10/18/14 - 23:17:32 ® ) tyme says to Wraith{tyme} :
when i remember to copy it *w*

(10/18/14 - 23:17:35 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to Smooth Edge: Not happening..I don't want him picking up your bad habits..*W*

(10/18/14 - 23:17:44 ) RCB{~morgan~} says to ~morgan~ {Red Clay B :
Keep the seat warm .I have to take care of something *S*

(10/18/14 - 23:18:04 ® ) NightMaster says to tyme :
Nods~... many look at BDSM as abusive...and will tag it that way....and I guess looking from the outside in, it may look that to them... if they would actually read , and become familiar with the lifestyle..they would find that trust and respect and exchange are present...something they probably do have ..so yes...BDSM can be judged cruelly...and as in any walks of life..there are those that abuse..and that’s what is always quoted .. I look at it as lack of Knowledge

(10/18/14 - 23:18:06 ) Smooth Edge says to Wraith{tyme} :
That is wise

(10/18/14 - 23:18:10 ) BOLT UPRIGHT :
Bolt Upright ..solemnly admit I do not know everything

(10/18/14 - 23:18:43 ) ~morgan~ {Red Clay Blues} says to RCB{~morgan~} :
yes Master -s-

(10/18/14 - 23:18:46 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to BOLT UPRIGHT: Me neither Bro..^5..*S*

(10/18/14 - 23:19:25 ) BOLT UPRIGHT says to Wraith{tyme} :
High 5

(10/18/14 - 23:19:52 ) Smooth Edge says to NightMaster :
YEs. While some people are just out and out psychos and no amount of education would help, many prospective Doms and subs would benefit a great deal from reading and understanding what they are getting into and what their responsibilities are.

(10/18/14 - 23:20:08 ® ) bella says to tyme :
yes... i forget about that... because i can't understand why a girl would want to be treated that way... but you are very right. ~s~

(10/18/14 - 23:20:17 ) sabrina :
vanishes over the edge...

(10/18/14 - 23:20:36 ® ) tyme says to NightMaster :
sadly too true Sir..... positive press hardly ever gets the press that bad does, but i know for me, vanilla relationships, a couple i have experienced were not nearly so open and honest as the D/s relationships i have experienced.....sans the ones that were not what they said they were *s*

(10/18/14 - 23:20:42 ® ) NightMaster says to dark muse :
perfectly said muse...it can be quite scary for submissives online...she must be empowered for sure...

(10/18/14 - 23:21:05 ® ) tyme says to BOLT UPRIGHT :
don't say it is so Sir...... *w*

(10/18/14 - 23:21:20 ® ) bella :
please excuse me. thanks for the discussion ~soft smile...slips out~

(10/18/14 - 23:21:28 ® ) NightMaster :
Damn...when you type you fall so far behind...@@

(10/18/14 - 23:21:36 ) Smooth Edge says to bella :
Night bella

(10/18/14 - 23:21:41 ® ) bella :
vanishes over the edge...

(10/18/14 - 23:22:21 ® M) Wraith{tyme} Offers a yummy truffle choccie to tyme : Excellent discussion My pet..*S*

(10/18/14 - 23:22:26 ® ) NightMaster says to Smooth Edge :
That was quicker than you

(10/18/14 - 23:22:45 ® ) tyme :
one last thing, here is a link for an article i was reading..... honestly i think it is worth a peek for A/all *s* Deceptive submissives - http://www.submissiveguide.com/2011/12/deceptive-submissive-the-flip-side-of-the-predator-dominant/

(10/18/14 - 23:23:30 ) Smooth Edge says to NightMaster :
These days everything is quicker than Me

(10/18/14 - 23:23:47 ® ) tyme :
thank Yyou Aall for coming and participating *s*

(10/18/14 - 23:23:48 ® ) dark muse says to tyme :
very well done ..thank you *hugs* *s*

(10/18/14 - 23:24:03 ® ) tyme says to dark muse :
*hugs* ta love

(10/18/14 - 23:24:11 ) Smooth Edge says to tyme :
Sure-now you warn Me of deceptive submissives

(10/18/14 - 23:24:14 ) ~morgan~ {Red Clay Blues} says to tyme :
thank you tyme, is been a very good discussion

(10/18/14 - 23:24:20 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to Smooth Edge: starts the tortoise slide show until you feel better..*S*

(10/18/14 - 23:24:40 ) Smooth Edge says to tyme :
Thank you for another wonderful discussion tyme

(10/18/14 - 23:24:48 ® ) NightMaster says to tyme :

(10/18/14 - 23:25:06 ® ) dark muse says to Smooth Edge :

(10/18/14 - 23:25:10 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to tyme: Wwho is slated to run the next discussion ?

(10/18/14 - 23:25:23 ) Smooth Edge says to Wraith{tyme} :
Better be a slow tortoise

(10/18/14 - 23:25:38 ® ) NightMaster says to tyme :
Lovely discussion tyme..~s~...perfect

(10/18/14 - 23:25:39 ® ) tyme says to Smooth Edge :
i thought if i posted it sooner no one would be participating *w* that article alone could be a discussion topic *w*

(10/18/14 - 23:25:47 ® ) dark muse says to Wraith{tyme} :
That would be You ...*g*

(10/18/14 - 23:26:14 ) Smooth Edge says to tyme :
I'll look for it

(10/18/14 - 23:26:19 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to Smooth Edge: oh yes..I clipped together all those *Slowskis* commercials from tv..*nods*

(10/18/14 - 23:26:26 ® ) tyme says to ~morgan~ {Red Clay B :
thank you morgan *s*

(10/18/14 - 23:26:44 ® ) tyme says to Smooth Edge :
thank You Sir *s*

(10/18/14 - 23:26:52 ) Smooth Edge says to Wraith{tyme} :
*L* yeah i remember those..for an internet server weren't they?

(10/18/14 - 23:26:56 ® ) tyme says to NightMaster :
thank You Sir *s*

(10/18/14 - 23:27:01 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to dark muse: Moi ?...when is supposed to be your turn ?

(10/18/14 - 23:27:03 ) BOLT UPRIGHT says to tyme :
Yes I am a novice as far as being a god goes ..have to keep struggling lol

(10/18/14 - 23:27:22 ® ) tyme says to Wraith{tyme} :
that would be You Sir *s* do You have a topic sorted yet?

(10/18/14 - 23:27:28 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to Smooth Edge: That's right...see you’re not as toasted as you thought Brother..*S*

(10/18/14 - 23:28:03 ® ) tyme :
oh and please.....if anyOone would like to run a discussion let us know...... guest discussion mods are welcome *s*

(10/18/14 - 23:28:05 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to tyme: topic ?..hell no I just found out it was Me..*L*

(10/18/14 - 23:28:20 ) BOLT UPRIGHT says to Wraith{tyme} :

(10/18/14 - 23:28:21 ) Smooth Edge says to Wraith{tyme} :
Yeah..every month or so I remember something

(10/18/14 - 23:29:00 ® ) NightMaster :
BRB Aall..that lil mutt again

(10/18/14 - 23:29:03 ® ) tyme says to BOLT UPRIGHT :
watches You struggling with Perfection *s*

(10/18/14 - 23:29:06 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to Smooth Edge: you gotta start making notes to self Sir..*sage nod*

(10/18/14 - 23:29:25 ) Smooth Edge says to Wraith{tyme} :
I forget to make the notes

(10/18/14 - 23:29:28 ) RCB{~morgan~} says to ~morgan~ {Red Clay B :
Back again *S*.climb back up here

(10/18/14 - 23:29:53 ® ) dark muse says to Wraith{tyme} :
i don't think i have anything of great worth to impart ..

(10/18/14 - 23:29:53 ® ) tyme says to Wraith{tyme} :
8th or the 15th of November Sir *s*

(10/18/14 - 23:29:56 ) Smooth Edge says to Wraith{tyme} :
I have the muse to remember things for Me..and she's hot in the sack too

(10/18/14 - 23:29:57 ) Gargoyle says to tyme :
now that the discussion is winding down I have another moment to write. I find that if anyone whether they be Dom or sub encroaches on another’s right of free will without it given to them is abusive and makes them a tyrant. this I do not agree with because as I said before if you break that trust you will lose whomever you have broken that trust to. everything I have read so far has stressed the importance of safety and trust safety can be taught but trust must be earned an abuser is one who does not seek for trust but rulership over another and this in my mind is not a workable relationship

(10/18/14 - 23:29:58 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to Smooth Edge: that's easy to fix...Order muse to take the notes and remind you to look at them..*S*

(10/18/14 - 23:30:29 ® ) dark muse says to Voce Fittizio :
You should moderate a discussion *s*

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The creative works found on this page are the sole property of artist/writer.
Some of the images are used to create the graphics and backgrounds and were
acquired from various sources on the internet and some may be copyrighted.

It is not our intention to plagiarize.
As these webpages are for public viewing
we would like to give credit where credit is due whenever possible.

If you see any images or creative works here and know
the link to the artist/author, please contact us at: theedgebox@gmail.com

This page is solely for entertainment purposes.