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University of Naughty

University of Naughty's Discussion Series

Discussion 52 - "R/role of Irony - "Why we are all S/switches."

(01/17/15 - 22:20:21 ) Voce Fittizio :
Thank you tyme and all of you who encouraged me to do this. And apologies to everyone here tonight for any disappointments. Our topic is irony…d/s relationships are often referred to as a manifestation of “ironic submission.” Since irony is the use of words to express something different from, and often opposite to, their literal meaning, it may be useful to start with at least working definitions of some key words. The two most important words for our purposes tonight are

(no surprise):
“dominate” - exercise control over; and “submit” - accept or yield to a superior force or to the authority or will of another person.

(01/17/15 - 22:20:29 ) BOLT UPRIGHT :
Steps into my favorite leather chair near the fireplace crosses my legs and leans back

(01/17/15 - 22:20:53 ) Shikan {shi} says to oncebitten2xshi{Shik:
*Ruffles your chocolate mane* I am indeed... *Smiles* Are you...?

(01/17/15 - 22:21:44 ) Voce Fittizio :
For ease of discussion, I ask that, for tonight, we talk about dominants and submissives without drawing some of the distinctions that are often important in other contexts

(e.g., the differences between those who identify as subs, slaves, pets, bottoms can be significant in their life choices and the constructs of their relationships, but for this discussion they would all included under the umbrella of submissives - those who, at least on the surface, are accepting or yielding to the will of another person).

(01/17/15 - 22:22:23 ) oncebitten2xshi{Shikan} says to Shikan {shi}:
*tilts my head back peering up* yes and a good thing W/we are since it has started

(01/17/15 - 22:22:30 ) Voce Fittizio :
For those who don't know me...I tend towards the fulsome...*s*

(01/17/15 - 22:22:54 ) Shikan {shi} says to Voce Fittizio:
*Nods* Well said... I concur with "accept"...

(01/17/15 - 22:23:24 ) Voce Fittizio :
D/s relationships are - except in the most unhealthy or illegal circumstances – consensual

(hence SSC or RAC). And it is in consent, I think, that we find the roots of irony. This is especially evident in scene-based or online relationships, but also present in rt lifestyle relationships

(01/17/15 - 22:24:06 ) Smooth Edge says to Voce Fittizio:
That's cool. Being the Discussion leader involves assuming responsibility but it affords you the freedom to be fulsome 8*s*

(01/17/15 - 22:24:11 ) Shikan {shi} says to oncebitten2xshi{Shik:
Indeed... *Whispers* you were late... *G*

(01/17/15 - 22:24:53 ) Voce Fittizio :
Let’s start with the dominant…a person who has a need/desire to exercise control over another and who, in the search for a submissive, is seeking someone who will give their permission to be dominated. That permission once granted will be subject to limits set by the submissive and to the dominant’s satisfaction of at least implicit and often explicit conditions

(e.g., appropriate after care, recognition of agreed upon limits) and ultimately is subject to revocation at any time by the submissive even on a whim. To a vanilla observer, this might not be seen as much of a conquest.

(01/17/15 - 22:26:23 ) Voce Fittizio :
At the same time, the submissive is seeking out someone to surrender to…someone to provide direction and instructions. The things done to, or required by the dominant to be done by are described as "forced" or "ordered", yet the submissive is the one who determines if the acts are actually going to be performed

(or in a vt setting presented as performed). In most cases it is actually the submissive's desire to perform the tasks that he or she is being 'forced' to do.

(01/17/15 - 22:26:29 ) Shikan {shi} says to Voce Fittizio:
*Nods* Well stated...

(01/17/15 - 22:27:32 ) Voce Fittizio :
Consider safewords…these allow submissives to ostensibly have things forced upon them

(pain, bondage, unwanted sexual conduct) but give them a mechanism of escape if they “really” want those things to stop - confirming that they retain the power to make a choice.

(A topic for another day:
are safewords meaningful in an online context?)

(01/17/15 - 22:28:51 ) BOLT UPRIGHT says to Voce Fittizio:
Realizes that is another topic for another day..but the answer to that is yes

(01/17/15 - 22:29:11 ) Voce Fittizio :
Some have argued that in a power exchange it is the submissive that has the real power. I think that is too simple. On a meta level what is happening is a kind of switching…those who are dominants are asserting their own wills over their submissives

(up to a point) and, at the same time, yielding to the wills of their submissives, allowing them to in many respects define the contours of the relationship . Those who are submissives are defining the contours of the relationship in the broadest sense while at the same time yielding significant authority to their dominants. Both are in effect giving orders and following orders in satisfaction of their partners’ needs. Those who self identify as switches are in effect embracing the paradox and dominating and submitting at both the meta

(abstract) and physical

(concrete) levels.

(01/17/15 - 22:30:43 ) Voce Fittizio :
And at this point if it this is to be a discussion...I need to stop talking.

(01/17/15 - 22:31:23 ® ) ~ashandra~ says to Voce Fittizio:
i never thought of it that way but it makes sense in a small way

(01/17/15 - 22:32:29 ® ) tyme says to Voce Fittizio:
while i agree most definitely with the language and definitions, i would have to say that You have left out the heart and soul of the D/s union

(01/17/15 - 22:32:53 ) Voce Fittizio says to ~ashandra~:
Then I take it you think this idea has only limited applicability...*s*

(01/17/15 - 22:32:58 ) BOLT UPRIGHT says to Voce Fittizio:
Yes the submissive as a great deal of power… Defining the parameters of the relationship to a great extent

(01/17/15 - 22:33:35 ) RCB{~morgan~} says to Voce Fittizio:
It would seem that you are describing trust on the part of the submisive earned by a dominant excercising respect so I can see your point

(01/17/15 - 22:33:50 ) Voce Fittizio says to tyme:
What do you think is missing?

(01/17/15 - 22:34:42 ) bella {t} His perfectly perverted, mushily romantic, devoted good girl says to Voce Fittizio:
while i understand what You are saying, i don't feel as though i am "switching" at any level.... rather i am negotiating a contract, whether written or implied, hoping to find the best possible outcome for the Dominant and myself

(01/17/15 - 22:34:56 ) BOLT UPRIGHT says to tyme:
Anxious to hear what my dear friend has to say about this… :-)

(01/17/15 - 22:35:08 ) Voce Fittizio says to BOLT UPRIGHT:
Yes...it occurred to me that you you couldn't have a power exchange unless both parties had power...*s*

(01/17/15 - 22:35:27 ® ) ~ashandra~ says to Voce Fittizio:
i do but not in fully. i do not think a sub has as much control as she thinks she does.

(01/17/15 - 22:35:39 ) Shikan {shi} says to Voce Fittizio:
"Those who are submissives are defining the contours of the relationship in the broadest sense while at the same time yielding significant authority to their dominants." I concur in general with this part...

(01/17/15 - 22:36:46 ® ) tyme says to Voce Fittizio:
while i have a safe word, the idea that i would consider using it for a headache or hang nail is unimaginable for me..... so to that point, my initial control was handed over long ago, i trust Him and therefore have not in likely a decade in my case thought of taking it back or for that matter using my safe word, on the other hand, i have many time done what i did not like doing, want to do at one moment or another, for the sake of His pleasure

(01/17/15 - 22:36:48 ) Smooth Edge says to Voce Fittizio:
That is a most thoughtful thesis and one that deserves considerable attentnion.I view the D/s relaitonship differently however. First it is a matter of when the real power exchange occurs as wella s what it entails That is what linmits are about and why they are set before the D/s relationship is effected. That the submissive has a right to set limits and to articulate what submission means to her to me is not her assuming dominance but thir forming a relationship that works for both of them within the lifestyle. Once the relationship is formed, within the agred upon limits, she obeys. This odes not mean she cannot question or express concerns. Each D/s couple forms their own lines and borders and thge lifestyle allows for this kind of diversity.

(01/17/15 - 22:36:49 ) Voce Fittizio says to RCB{~morgan~}:
Trust is I think essential to this thesis...both parties are allowing the other to play a role in their life...trusting that they will not be abusive...

(01/17/15 - 22:37:06 ) viscus

(Neptune} :
I believe it takes a very strong person to submit, and a lot of trust. To dominate takes an equal measure. But, it also takes more responsibility. That too takes a lot of strength but a sense of character not everyone can live up to what a true dominant really is. It takes a true sense of self, a person that believes in themselves enough to push limits but know when to stop ..not just anyone can be a Dominant.

(01/17/15 - 22:37:24 ) bella {t} His perfectly perverted, mushily romantic, devoted good girl says to tyme:
very well said ~s~

(01/17/15 - 22:38:12 ) bella {t} His perfectly perverted, mushily romantic, devoted good girl says to Smooth Edge:
well said Sir

(01/17/15 - 22:38:13 ) Voce Fittizio says to bella {t}:
It may just be semantics...but that negotiation is exactly the meta level switching that I am referring to.

(01/17/15 - 22:38:38 ) Smooth Edge says to bella {t}:
But very poorly typed *L*

(01/17/15 - 22:39:08 ) Voce Fittizio says to ~ashandra~:
That is interesting because I have been suggesting that a sub has more control than we acknowledge. Please elaborate.

(01/17/15 - 22:39:29 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to Smooth Edge: well said...in the middle of a scene is not the time to renegotiate..however...every D/s contract has stipulations that allow either party to voice concerns and or reestablish limits and boundires...things change..people change

(01/17/15 - 22:39:38 ) Demon :
To apoint I think it could be said the submissive has _ultimate_ power but the Dominant has _effective_ power. That's no entirely true either as the Dominant can end the relationship as well as the submissive can.

(01/17/15 - 22:39:44 ® ) tyme says to Smooth Edge:
well said Sir *s*

(01/17/15 - 22:40:00 ) RCB{~morgan~} says to Voce Fittizio:
Submission implies a two way relationship .slavery is one way only and I think a lot of people hae a problem coming to terms with the difference.

(01/17/15 - 22:40:05 ) emilee says to viscus

(Neptune}: well said.....online ...i have huge issues trusting One...bad experiences on my part...

(01/17/15 - 22:40:29 ) Shikan {shi} says to RCB{~morgan~}:
I concur and well said...

(01/17/15 - 22:40:38 ) Smooth Edge says to Wraith{tyme}:
Yes and that change is inevitable but does not in most cass call into question who is the dominant party and who the submissive one

(01/17/15 - 22:40:51 ® ) tyme says to viscus

nods....agreeing....well said and i too agree, not just anyone can or would consider all the responsibility the Dominate is taking on

(01/17/15 - 22:41:37 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to Smooth Edge: not at all..the roles are rather well defined...by Caps and lower case letters..*W*

(01/17/15 - 22:41:49 ® ) ~ashandra~ says to Voce Fittizio:
not sure if i can explain what i feel...it has to do with that trust. if not there, i would hope the sub was not putting herself in a situation she cannot get out of. that trust she has means she has pretty much given up any control at all knowing He will not cross any lines. her safe word never used. He has all the control and He will push on many occasions....

(01/17/15 - 22:42:07 ) viscus

(Neptune} says to emilee:
beautiful av hon...I think W/we all at one time or another have had trust issues...the trick is finding good people and showing respect..and getting to know them..and through those built relationships you can learn to trust again. It will not happen immediately but with group like this one a person cannot help but see the good

(01/17/15 - 22:42:08 ) Smooth Edge says to Wraith{tyme}:
And 19 1/4 inch cocks *nods*

(01/17/15 - 22:42:17 ) Voce Fittizio says to tyme:
I would suggest we are more in agreement than not...I was not meaning to suggest that the ability to withhold consent or to use a safeword was necessarily trivial

(headaches and the like), but rather that it made the ultimate decision whether to submit or to continue to submit...the sub's

(01/17/15 - 22:42:38 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to Smooth Edge: well yeah..if One folds it in half

(01/17/15 - 22:42:39 ) BOLT UPRIGHT says to Wraith{tyme}:
All o' Mine are caps Brother ..Ahm fully vested lol

(01/17/15 - 22:42:45 ) oncebitten2xshi{Shikan} :
i think there will always be a wide assortment of opinons on this because the opinions on what defines a S/switch......on the surface i would repel the idea that W/we are A/all S/switches.......and actually i think i still reject that idea. i do however agree within the role of Dominant and submissive there is often what could be described as S/switching but i would attribute that to the power exchange......after all i can be, have been and embrace being dominant in certain areas of life or even in a scene.......i wouldnt consider it S/switching though

(01/17/15 - 22:42:51 ® ) tyme says to Wraith{tyme}:
as W/we have renegotiated.....but not in the midst of a scene....or unannounced/agreed upon *s*

(01/17/15 - 22:42:53 ) bella {t} His perfectly perverted, mushily romantic, devoted good girl says to Voce Fittizio:
submissives are different from each other, each with their own needs and wants, each one unique. the same goes for a Dominant. this is why discussions and negotiations are necessary. we are not cookie-cutter people. how would a Dominant know what is best for me if i don't tell Him ahead of time? i don't think that i am being in control, rather i am letting Him take control of me in the best way that He can....

(01/17/15 - 22:43:10 ) Smooth Edge says to RCB{~morgan~}:
True-that's why it's hard to keep the diffrence between slave and submissive out of this subject entirely

(01/17/15 - 22:43:10 ) BOLT UPRIGHT says to Wraith{tyme}:

( actually I did that just to see my name on the screen more clearly)

(01/17/15 - 22:43:11 ® ) tyme says to Demon:
good point Sir *s*

(01/17/15 - 22:43:21 ® ) tyme says to bella {t}:
thank you bella *s*

(01/17/15 - 22:43:53 ) viscus

(Neptune} says to Smooth Edge:
anyone comes at me with a monster like that I'm going to run the other way..nods nods nods

(01/17/15 - 22:43:55 ) Shikan {shi} says to oncebitten2xshi{Shik:
*Nods* Thoughtful and well articulated, Mine...

(01/17/15 - 22:44:03 ) Smooth Edge says to Wraith{tyme}:
several times

(01/17/15 - 22:44:11 ) RCB{~morgan~} says to bella {t}:
Nicely done *S*

(01/17/15 - 22:44:17 ) Demon says to bella {t}:
Well said. *warm smile*

(01/17/15 - 22:44:49 ) bella {t} His perfectly perverted, mushily romantic, devoted good girl says to Demon:
~smiling~ very well said

(01/17/15 - 22:44:59 ® ) dark muse says to Voce Fittizio:
i understand what You're saying and i agree that the submissive has power ..but it's the intense need that the submissive feels to give over that power that feeds her and i believe it feeds the Dominant as well, just in a different way..

(01/17/15 - 22:45:03 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to tyme: your health and safety and yes happiness are all part of the responsibilities I shoulder on a daily basis in order to enjoy the pure pleasure of hearing you call Me ..Master..*S*

(01/17/15 - 22:45:09 ) oncebitten2xshi{Shikan} :
for the sake of my sanity can i propose no O/one say the word thesis *pleading grin*

(01/17/15 - 22:45:16 ) Smooth Edge says to viscus

I knpw---it has always beena problem for Me..luckily the must can handle HUGE

(01/17/15 - 22:45:21 ) RCB{~morgan~} says to Smooth Edge:
A lot of people on the outside would consider this room an example of slavery

(01/17/15 - 22:45:25 ) Voce Fittizio says to Smooth Edge:
If I understand you correctly, you are suggesting that it is a matter of timing....an exchange is negotiated and then effected...My own experience is that it is more of a continuing dynamic...trust must be earned and then sustained and the contract regularly reeamied.

(01/17/15 - 22:45:43 ) ~morgan~{Red Clay Blues} says to RCB{~morgan~}:
have an emerg call...kissss

(01/17/15 - 22:45:47 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to BOLT UPRIGHT: not as cool as *up in lights*..but it works..*S*

(01/17/15 - 22:46:08 ) Smooth Edge says to bella {t}:
I agree

(01/17/15 - 22:46:15 ) Smooth Edge says to dark muse:
And I agree

(01/17/15 - 22:46:24 ) viscus

(Neptune} says to Smooth Edge:
bows in respect...

(01/17/15 - 22:46:47 ) RCB{~morgan~} says to ~morgan~{Red Clay Bl:
Keep em breathing and stay between the ditches ~kiss~

(01/17/15 - 22:46:54 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to oncebitten2xshi{Shik: thesis...thesis ?..what's wrong with the word...THESIS..?

(01/17/15 - 22:47:00 ) Smooth Edge says to oncebitten2xshi{Shik:
Instead of being in chat, someone should be working on her.....topic *G*

(01/17/15 - 22:47:05 ) Voce Fittizio says to viscus

I would agree with all of that...I would suggest that the best dominants know what it means to submit and vice versa.

(01/17/15 - 22:47:09 ) bella {t} His perfectly perverted, mushily romantic, devoted good girl says to Demon:
~eyes into Yours~ thank You ~soft smile~

(01/17/15 - 22:47:34 ) Smooth Edge says to RCB{~morgan~}:
Yes but they do not understand the lifetyle or its nuances

(01/17/15 - 22:48:05 ® ) tyme says to Voce Fittizio:
that is true but i think the basis for my thought is that once bound/gagged and the flames or blade at my throat, the trust is all i have as a submissive...He has the total control, He being the Dominate to fry me, slice me or slit my throat ..... i trust Wraith with my life and have on countless occasions wondered at His blade.....shivers with that excitement recalled, as i know....but there is always that........shiver

(01/17/15 - 22:48:05 ) RCB{~morgan~} says to oncebitten2xshi{Shik:
Nothing if youre Martin Luther with a hammer and nail outside of a church *S*

(01/17/15 - 22:48:27 ) Shikan {shi} says to oncebitten2xshi{Shik:

(01/17/15 - 22:48:28 ) Voce Fittizio says to Demon:
Exactly...we have a paradox...in what on the surface is a simple binary proposition.

(01/17/15 - 22:48:29 ® ) dark muse says to viscus

the muse could not handle that either ...just saying..*l*

(01/17/15 - 22:49:04 ) Smooth Edge says to Voce Fittizio:
I don;'t disgree with that in part, but I don't see that a sa swiching of power but instead as taking ointo consideration the opinion of a the submissive who you respect enough to make Yours

(01/17/15 - 22:49:07 ) Shikan {shi} says to Wraith{tyme}:

(01/17/15 - 22:49:10 ) viscus

(Neptune} says to Voce Fittizio:
I can only speak from my expericnes but some people bring out the Dominant in a person and some the submissive. Maybe it is just me, but those that bring out the Dominant side of me I tend to try to protect. If that makes sense.

(01/17/15 - 22:49:22 ) BOLT UPRIGHT :
Secures My Bolt and listens

(01/17/15 - 22:49:38 ) oncebitten2xshi{Shikan} says to Shikan {shi}:
thank You *l* generous though


(01/17/15 - 22:49:49 ® ) tyme says to oncebitten2xshi{Shik:
perfectly said....

(01/17/15 - 22:49:50 ) Voce Fittizio says to RCB{~morgan~}:
I think you are right...real slavery is extremely rare, but many people view that as the d/s paradigm and this leads to all sorts of issues.

(01/17/15 - 22:49:56 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to Shikan {shi}: couldn't resist..*G*

(01/17/15 - 22:50:01 ® ) tyme says to bella {t}:
well said love

(01/17/15 - 22:50:27 ) Shikan {shi} says to oncebitten2xshi{Shik:
Welcome. *G*

(01/17/15 - 22:50:34 ) Demon says to Voce Fittizio:
I don't see it as a paradox however. *chuckles*

(01/17/15 - 22:50:35 ) Smooth Edge says to tyme:
*points* That Wraith????

(01/17/15 - 22:50:39 ) viscus

(Neptune} says to dark muse:
laughin...would be tempted to give it a trim...cracks up knowing every Man in the room is tempted to cross His legs

(01/17/15 - 22:50:41 ) Voce Fittizio says to Wraith{tyme}:
reductio ad alphabet...*s*

(01/17/15 - 22:51:05 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to Smooth Edge: shows you just how trusting tyme can be..*S*

(01/17/15 - 22:51:06 ® ) tyme says to dark muse:
feeding ...what a perfect way to put it *w*

(01/17/15 - 22:51:17 ) bella {t} His perfectly perverted, mushily romantic, devoted good girl says to tyme:
~smiling over~ thank you, beauty

(01/17/15 - 22:51:29 ) oncebitten2xshi{Shikan} says to Wraith{tyme}:
*mutters something about Wicked Men under my breath*

(01/17/15 - 22:52:00 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to oncebitten2xshi{Shik: Aye,,,you should do a..thesis...on wicked men

(01/17/15 - 22:52:30 ® ) tyme says to Wraith{tyme}:
and btw....thank You for not setting the TENS so high or for so long that You cause a heart attack *w*....Master

(01/17/15 - 22:52:32 ) oncebitten2xshi{Shikan} says to Smooth Edge:
You are right .....i should leave *g*

(01/17/15 - 22:52:41 ) BOLT UPRIGHT says to oncebitten2xshi{Shik:
It would make an excellent thesis

(01/17/15 - 22:52:55 ) Voce Fittizio says to ~ashandra~:
I think we would all hope that...if discussions like this increase our self awareness of what our choices

(sub, dominant, switch) entail for ourselves and others, the risks may be alleviated somewhat.

(01/17/15 - 22:53:02 ) Smooth Edge says to oncebitten2xshi{Shik:
Ah guilt..what a lovely beast

(01/17/15 - 22:53:16 ® M) Wraith{tyme} softly caresses tyme 's cheek with a warm palm: you lucked out and the batteries are at half power..*S*

(01/17/15 - 22:53:40 ) Shikan {shi} says to oncebitten2xshi{Shik:
*Shakes My head* No... you have to stay... *G*

(01/17/15 - 22:54:02 ) RCB{~morgan~} :
Reminds me to listen to Jesus was a Capricorn later

(01/17/15 - 22:54:06 ) Smooth Edge says to Voce Fittizio:
And to you who voiced opinion that he knew most would take some issue with. Well done.

(01/17/15 - 22:54:57 ® ) dark muse says to Voce Fittizio:
very well done Sir...*s*

(01/17/15 - 22:55:26 ® ) ~ashandra~ says to Voce Fittizio:
very interesting topic Sir

(01/17/15 - 22:55:34 ) Smooth Edge says to Voce Fittizio:
An exchange of power can be meaningful without being total.

(01/17/15 - 22:55:39 ® ) tyme says to Smooth Edge:
the one and the same Sir *w*

(01/17/15 - 22:55:50 ) bella {t} His perfectly perverted, mushily romantic, devoted good girl says to Voce Fittizio:
interesting and well done. thank You, Sir ~s~

(01/17/15 - 22:55:57 ) Smooth Edge says to tyme:
Good choice then *s*

(01/17/15 - 22:56:06 ) Carlos :
Enters the room...

(01/17/15 - 22:56:07 ) viscus

(Neptune} says to Voce Fittizio:
Yes very well done Sir..and I commend You for taking stand and defending Your thoughts..it takes a really self assured person to do that. Congratulations.

(01/17/15 - 22:56:13 ) oncebitten2xshi{Shikan} says to Wraith{tyme}:
that would be a delicious topic *contemplates all the research*

(01/17/15 - 22:56:15 ) RCB{~morgan~} says to Voce Fittizio:
Good job *S*

(01/17/15 - 22:56:20 ) BOLT UPRIGHT says to emilee:
Glad you came in s*

(01/17/15 - 22:56:26 ) Shikan {shi} says to Voce Fittizio:
Well moderated, Voce... *Nods*

(01/17/15 - 22:56:28 ) Demon says to Voce Fittizio:
Well done.

(01/17/15 - 22:56:50 ) emilee says to BOLT UPRIGHT: thank you -s-

(01/17/15 - 22:56:52 ) Daddy Dark Daddy :
Enters the room...

(01/17/15 - 22:57:07 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to Voce Fittizio: Nicely done Brother..and not a single riot..*S*

(01/17/15 - 22:57:17 ) Voce Fittizio says to bella {t}:
different we certainly are....and you are right that discussions like this one have a limited utility when two people are establishing and living in a relationship....I think your raise something even more interesting though when you talk about how you "feel." I think that point was missing from my lengthy beginning. Although we have this irony...subs do feel submissive and dominants do feel dominant.

(01/17/15 - 22:57:17 ) oncebitten2xshi{Shikan} says to Smooth Edge:
*slips on my uniform from catholic school days* guilt is the first thing a good catholic learns *l*

(01/17/15 - 22:57:28 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to Dark Daddy: Evening

(01/17/15 - 22:57:28 ® ) ~ashandra~ :
Greetings to Tthose who just arrived

(01/17/15 - 22:57:36 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to Carlos: Evening

(01/17/15 - 22:57:41 ) BOLT UPRIGHT says to emilee:
I wish trust came in buckets or I would give you one s*

(01/17/15 - 22:57:47 ) Daddy Dark Daddy says to Wraith{tyme}:
Good evening

(01/17/15 - 22:57:49 ® ) dark muse :
i think any discussion that makes us think in a different way or see a different view is exactly what all of this about.. the Lifestyle.. accepting and respecting our paths..

(01/17/15 - 22:58:05 ) Daddy Dark Daddy says to ~ashandra~:

(01/17/15 - 22:58:05 ) Shikan {shi} says to emilee:
Welcome in...

(01/17/15 - 22:58:32 ) Shikan {shi} says to Wraith{tyme}:
I know You are disappointed... *L*

(01/17/15 - 22:58:37 ) RCB{~morgan~} says to Dark Daddy:

(01/17/15 - 22:58:45 ) Voce Fittizio says to oncebitten2xshi{Shik:
Would you prefer "dissertation?"

(01/17/15 - 22:58:45 ) Smooth Edge says to oncebitten2xshi{Shik:
And once learned, it is never forgotten. Remonds Me..we need to do another schoolgirl night.

(01/17/15 - 22:58:53 ) emilee says to BOLT UPRIGHT: that's very kind.....poor judgement on my part...i take responsibility.

(01/17/15 - 22:58:57 ) Demon says to Dark Daddy:
Evening *S*

(01/17/15 - 22:59:08 ) oncebitten2xshi{Shikan} says to Voce Fittizio:
excellent job Sir *smiling warmly* a different approach than what i had anticipated ......eloquently delivered

(01/17/15 - 22:59:15 ) Smooth Edge says to Dark Daddy:
Hello and very cool av.

(01/17/15 - 22:59:15 ) viscus

(Neptune} says to dark muse:
exactly, and respecting the thoghts and boundries of others. That is something that all of Yyou have shown me still exists.

(01/17/15 - 22:59:16 ) Demon :
And again, good evening to anyone I may have missed.

(01/17/15 - 22:59:16 ) Daddy Dark Daddy says to RCB{~morgan~}:
Good evening *s*

(01/17/15 - 22:59:22 ® ) dark muse says to Dark Daddy:
Good evening *s*

(01/17/15 - 22:59:23 ) Shikan {shi} says to Dark Daddy:

(01/17/15 - 22:59:28 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to Shikan {shi}: I am..I had the water cannon all charged up an ready to go...oh well..maybe next discussion

(01/17/15 - 22:59:29 ) emilee says to Shikan {shi}: thank you Sir -s-

(01/17/15 - 22:59:30 ) Daddy Dark Daddy says to Demon:
Hello *s*

(01/17/15 - 22:59:50 ) Daddy Dark Daddy says to Smooth Edge:
Greetings and thank you kindly *s*

(01/17/15 - 22:59:55 ® ) dark muse says to viscus

*smiling* i'm very glad v

(01/17/15 - 23:00:04 ) Daddy Dark Daddy says to dark muse:
Hello *smile*

(01/17/15 - 23:00:09 ) bella {t} His perfectly perverted, mushily romantic, devoted good girl says to Voce Fittizio:
i do feel very submissive. it is what i am. i was born this way... so i can be nothing else... ~s~

(01/17/15 - 23:00:12 ) BOLT UPRIGHT says to emilee:
We all find a lemon from time to time..

(01/17/15 - 23:00:15 ) viscus

(Neptune} says to Carlos:

(01/17/15 - 23:00:16 ) Daddy Dark Daddy says to Shikan {shi}:

(01/17/15 - 23:00:22 ) oncebitten2xshi{Shikan} says to Voce Fittizio:
*covers my eyes and shiver at the d word* no please Sir

(01/17/15 - 23:00:26 ) Voce Fittizio says to dark muse:
I think your point complements bella's...the need to submit or dominate is something one feels...the question for me is what are we actually doing?

(01/17/15 - 23:00:26 ) viscus

(Neptune} says to Dark Daddy:
Evening ....smiles

(01/17/15 - 23:00:39 ) Ty33 :
Enters the room...

(01/17/15 - 23:00:45 ® ) dark muse says to Carlos:
Good evening and welcome in *s*

(01/17/15 - 23:00:45 ) Ty33 :
Good evening beautiful Ppeople

(01/17/15 - 23:00:47 ) Smooth Edge says to dark muse:
Seconds your thoughts about mind opening discussions

(01/17/15 - 23:00:49 ) Shikan {shi} says to Carlos:

(01/17/15 - 23:00:50 ) Daddy Dark Daddy says to viscus

Good evening *smile*

(01/17/15 - 23:01:04 ) oncebitten2xshi{Shikan} says to Smooth Edge:
but now our school break is over ...have to wait until may for another one of those school girl nights

(01/17/15 - 23:01:14 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to Ty33: Evening Ty

(01/17/15 - 23:01:26 ) emilee says to BOLT UPRIGHT: -nods- yes we all do....some just take the wind from our sails...

(01/17/15 - 23:01:31 ) Ty33 says to Wraith{tyme}:

(01/17/15 - 23:01:36 ) Ty33 says to Wraith{tyme}:
*Hello *S

(01/17/15 - 23:01:46 ) RCB{~morgan~} says to Smooth Edge:
Schoolgirls.....Back to the days when pizza was new ......football games ended early enoughonFriday night to go somewhere and get in the back seat of daddy's big ole Ford *L*

(01/17/15 - 23:02:06 ) viscus

(Neptune} says to Ty33:

(01/17/15 - 23:02:07 ) Smooth Edge says to oncebitten2xshi{Shik:
Good things come to HE who waits

(01/17/15 - 23:02:11 ® M) Wraith{tyme} : opening thighs is more fun but I can understand the need for an open mind

(01/17/15 - 23:02:15 ) bella {t} His perfectly perverted, mushily romantic, devoted good girl says to Dark Daddy:
good evening Sir ~s~

(01/17/15 - 23:02:24 ® ) dark muse says to Ty33:
Good evening..*s*

(01/17/15 - 23:02:26 ) Ty33 says to viscus

Good evening *S

(01/17/15 - 23:02:30 ) Carlos :
Good Evening to all of you,, Please do not let my presence interrupt.

(01/17/15 - 23:02:44 ) Daddy Dark Daddy says to bella {t}:
Good evening to you, darlin *s*

(01/17/15 - 23:02:48 ) Zane :
Enters the room...

(01/17/15 - 23:02:53 ) Ty33 says to dark muse:
Hello beautiful *S

(01/17/15 - 23:02:56 ® ) tyme says to Dark Daddy:
good evening and welcome to the Discussion...the Topic R/role of Irony - "Why we are all S/switches."

(01/17/15 - 23:03:05 ) Smooth Edge says to RCB{~morgan~}:
I can't identify.My father owned a Chevy.

(01/17/15 - 23:03:07 ) Voce Fittizio says to tyme:
what you have is something obviously special and mature...and also self-aware....

(01/17/15 - 23:03:12 ® ) dark muse says to Smooth Edge:
and she....*s*

(01/17/15 - 23:03:13 ) bella {t} His perfectly perverted, mushily romantic, devoted good girl :
greetings to those i have missed

(01/17/15 - 23:03:19 ® ) tyme says to Ty33:
hello *s*

(01/17/15 - 23:03:23 ) oncebitten2xshi{Shikan} says to Smooth Edge:
patient Edge Men *tilts head teasingly* what a concept

(01/17/15 - 23:03:49 ) RCB{~morgan~} says to Smooth Edge:
Lucky dawg!

(01/17/15 - 23:03:57 ) Ty33 says to tyme:
Hello *S

(01/17/15 - 23:04:13 ) Smooth Edge says to dark muse:
*smiles wide* Yes My pet..to both

(01/17/15 - 23:04:14 ) Shikan {shi} says to Smooth Edge:
My father did, too...

(01/17/15 - 23:04:31 ) Zane :
Good evening...

(01/17/15 - 23:04:34 ) Daddy Dark Daddy says to tyme:
Thank you kindly *smile* And sounds like an interesting topic for conversation *s*

(01/17/15 - 23:04:36 ® ) tyme :
good evening to A/all arriving ... good evening and welcome to the Discussion...the Topic R/role of Irony - "Why we are all S/switches."

(01/17/15 - 23:04:40 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to Zane: Evening Z

(01/17/15 - 23:04:48 ) viscus

(Neptune} :
my Daddy was a Ford man...proud smile

(01/17/15 - 23:04:49 ) Shikan {shi} says to Ty33:

(01/17/15 - 23:05:15 ) Ty33 :
vanishes over the edge...

(01/17/15 - 23:05:15 ) Demon says to Zane:

(01/17/15 - 23:05:19 ) viscus

(Neptune} says to Zane:

(01/17/15 - 23:05:41 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to Smooth Edge: My Dad always said Ford stoof for...found on road dead

(01/17/15 - 23:05:50 ) Smooth Edge says to oncebitten2xshi{Shik:
Of course patience is a relative term...like guilt

(01/17/15 - 23:05:54 ) Shikan {shi} says to Zane:
Welcome in...

(01/17/15 - 23:06:18 ) Shikan {shi} says to Wraith{tyme}:
Mone said it stood for fix or repair daily...

(01/17/15 - 23:06:20 ) Carlos :
Why we all switch in our persona, Is that the Topic> ?

(01/17/15 - 23:06:29 ® ) tyme says to Voce Fittizio:
to my thinking it is how a D/s relationship should be...... but as with any relationship, we are all different individuals and time brings changes, as it should i think..... the maturing of any relationship often also comes with depth and sometimes differences

(01/17/15 - 23:06:34 ) Smooth Edge says to Wraith{tyme}:
*L* Ever drive a T Bird?

(01/17/15 - 23:06:34 ) Shikan {shi} says to Wraith{tyme}:
He had a couple of Fords, too...

(01/17/15 - 23:06:36 ) RCB{~morgan~} says to Wraith{tyme}:
Fix or repair daily

(01/17/15 - 23:06:57 ) viscus

(Neptune} says to Wraith{tyme}:
cracks up

(01/17/15 - 23:07:14 ) Voce Fittizio says to viscus

That makes a great deal of sense to me...I have similar reactions.

(01/17/15 - 23:07:38 ) oncebitten2xshi{Shikan} says to Smooth Edge:
another virtue ive been well educated in but rebeled against

(01/17/15 - 23:07:44 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to Smooth Edge: nope,,,had a 78 lincoln diamond jubilee edition...what a monster that was

(01/17/15 - 23:09:04 ) Smooth Edge says to Wraith{tyme}:
The big one?

(01/17/15 - 23:09:06 ) Voce Fittizio says to RCB{~morgan~}:
Followed by Jesus Was a Crossmaker

(Judee Sill...beautiful)

(01/17/15 - 23:09:34 ) Voce Fittizio says to Smooth Edge:
Thank you. This was a good group to do it with.

(01/17/15 - 23:09:35 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to Smooth Edge: yeah the hood looked like the flight deck of an aircraft carrier

(01/17/15 - 23:10:11 ) viscus

(Neptune} says to Wraith{tyme}:
ever see a Ford Elite..they only made them one year for a reason

(01/17/15 - 23:10:26 ) Voce Fittizio :
Thank you...this was interesting and fun.

(01/17/15 - 23:10:26 ) Smooth Edge says to Voce Fittizio:
And I think He was a rolling stone...or I may have my songs confused

(01/17/15 - 23:10:40 ) Shikan {shi} :
My first vehicle was a 1960 Chrysler Imperial... One hellofa ride... *S*

(01/17/15 - 23:10:56 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to viscus

(Neptune}: I have not...rode in an edsel once though...another monster

(01/17/15 - 23:11:00 ) Smooth Edge says to Wraith{tyme}:
They don't make em like that anymore

(01/17/15 - 23:11:03 ® ) dark muse says to Voce Fittizio:
And thank You .. It was very interesting.

(01/17/15 - 23:11:08 ) Shikan {shi} says to Smooth Edge:
Papa was one...

(01/17/15 - 23:11:36 ) Smooth Edge says to Shikan {shi}:
I knew somoene was

(01/17/15 - 23:11:49 ® ) tyme says to Voce Fittizio:
thank You Sir for Moderating the Discussion *s*

(01/17/15 - 23:11:51 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to Smooth Edge: nope..now they make 4 cars out of the same ammount of material and the damn things talk to you and park themselves

(01/17/15 - 23:12:12 ) bella {t} His perfectly perverted, mushily romantic, devoted good girl :
my first car was a 2008 camaro... i was finally old enough to drive.....

(01/17/15 - 23:12:20 ) RCB{~morgan~} says to Shikan {shi}:
Could cut tree branches with those tailfins !

(01/17/15 - 23:12:33 ® M) Wraith{tyme} says to bella {t}: such a puppy..*G*

(01/17/15 - 23:12:44 ) Smooth Edge says to Wraith{tyme}:
But you can start them without taking the key out of your pocket

(01/17/15 - 23:12:51 ) Shikan {shi} says to Smooth Edge:
The cast list is long sometimes... *S*

(01/17/15 - 23:12:51 ) Demon says to bella {t}:
Tsk! Daddy told you not to fib! *G*

(01/17/15 - 23:13:12 ® ) ~ashandra~ :
flipping through the channels and came across a show talking about BDSM and how it is the norm now a days due to 50 shades of grey

(01/17/15 - 23:13:30 ) Shikan {shi} says to RCB{~morgan~}:
Tree branches and other things... *L*

(01/17/15 - 23:13:33 ) bella {t} His perfectly perverted, mushily romantic, devoted good girl says to Wraith{tyme}:
more a kitty ~grins~

(01/17/15 - 23:13:41 ) Zane says to ~ashandra~:
Hello, ashandra...

(01/17/15 - 23:13:51 ) Smooth Edge says to bella {t}:
Was that a typo bella. 1978 camaro?

(01/17/15 - 23:14:09 ® ) ~ashandra~ says to Zane:
hello *s*

(01/17/15 - 23:14:18 ) Zane says to ~ashandra~:
*smile* How are you tonight?

(01/17/15 - 23:14:18 ® ) tyme :
thank Yyou A/all for attending and participating in the Discussion......next month, February will be The Edge's BDSM Ball hosted as always by our very own Cupid......it will be held on Friday, February 13th and there will plenty of advertising coming up so be sure to get Yyour Valentines in when Yyou see the links ......thank Yyou all again

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