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University of Naughty

University of Naughty - Lecture Series

The following is a transcript of Lesson 5 in the University of Naughty's lecture series, "BDSM and Hypnosis," as it was given on 2/19/2009. It has been edited for length, clarity, and relevance. Some of the more pertinent discussions and funny moments have been left in, for the sake of evidence that it wasn't as boring as you might think.

(00:56:54 ฎ) Wraith's tyme says to everyone:
Welcome to BDSM and Hypnosis.

Senoj will be giving the lecture, His presentation is called a Demo at most r/t groups.

I hope Yyou all enjoy the lecture and please feel free to ask questions, but please refrain from greetings and non topic chat, while the class is in progress.
Again, welcome to The Edge and University of Naughty's Lecture Series BDSM and Hypnosis.

turns the floor over to You Sir and thank You again for taking time to educate U/us.

Again, Welcome A/all to the The Edge, the lecture is in session , BDSM and Hypnosis.... please refrain from open chatter that is non-class related and greetings while the lecture is in progress.

(00:57:02) Rob says to Senoj:

(00:57:16 ฎ) Wraith's tyme says to Senoj:
curtsies to You and steps to the back

(00:57:19) Rob says to andrea gail: Evening andi... *S*

(00:58:06) Senoj says to everyone:
Good evening everyone.

(00:58:19) Senoj says to everyone:
Most of you know me already and you may have heard me discussing that I enjoy using hypnosis in BDSM scenes. tyme was kind enough to invite me to share how I use it within this lifestyle.

(00:58:46) Senoj says to everyone:
Before I get started, please feel free to ask questions, especially if something is not clear, and I’ll try to answer without getting too bogged down.

(00:59:16) Senoj says to everyone:
I’ve been in the BDSM lifestyle r/t for about fifteen years and using hypnosis with it for six years. I was certified as a hypnotherapist four years ago. That is not my profession however; I enjoy it way too much to spoil it by making it a mere job.

(00:59:52 Signon) ~Master {M}oxie’s~betrothed slave ~erica~ enters The Edge

(01:00:01) Senoj says to everyone:
People have lots of misconceptions about hypnosis. Most of them have been perpetuated by movies and TV. Contrary to what movie writers would have you to believe, it is NOT mind control and it does not cause you too feel spaced out.

(01:00:48) Senoj says to everyone:
If you want to know what it feels like to be hypnotized, try this: Close your eyes and count to ten, then open your eyes. That’s it, nothing mystical about it.

(01:01:37 Signon) aaliyah enters The Edge

(01:01:49) Senoj says to everyone:
Knowing what hypnosis is not, begs the question, “just what is it?”

(01:02:14 ฎ Signon)‡ dark muse ‡ enters The Edge

(01:02:24 ฎ) ~andi~says to aaliyah:
hiya hun...*S*

(01:02:25) Senoj says to everyone:
We are bombarded by thousands of stimuli every second, but are only consciously aware of a very tiny fraction of them. Our minds have created filters that developed based on how we interact with the world. Those filters are the Critical Faculty.

(01:03:03 Signon) david. enters The Edge

(01:03:13) Senoj says to everyone:
Imagine your mind as three parts, the conscious mind, the unconscious mind and the filters which separate them. When we enter a trance, which is what hypnosis is, the critical faculty is temporarily suspended which allows us to communicate directly with the unconscious mind.

(01:04:38 Signon) ~angel~ enters The Edge

(01:05:09) Senoj says to everyone:
Everyone can be hypnotized, some go into trance easier than others and some days are better than others. The more often you go into a trance then the easier it becomes. For those who are still afraid of hypnosis, remember that ALL hypnosis is self hypnosis. A hypnotist is just a guide, very much like a Dominant is there to guide a submissive in a scene.

(01:05:59 Signon) SILVER SURFER enters The Edge

(01:06:11) Senoj says to everyone:
This means that, no hypnotist can force you to do something that is against your nature. If I were to tell you to go kill someone, you’re not going to go do it and furthermore, such a suggestion would likely kick you right out of any trance. Well unless you already happen to be a serial killer…

(01:06:49) Senoj says to everyone:
True story, a gentleman on a cruise ship volunteered for the stage hypnotist. At one point the hypnotist asked him to do something that was sexually suggestive. This took him completely out of trance. Asked later what happened, he said what was asked wasn’t normally a problem, but his daughter was in the audience and he wasn’t comfortable acting that way in front of her.

(01:07:01) SILVER SURFER says to andrea gail:
hiya and slides over 3 roses to you

(01:07:53) Senoj says to everyone:
The inability to make someone act against their nature is a very important point to keep in mind. Are there any questions so far?

(01:08:32 ฎ)Wraith's tyme says to Senoj:
yes Sir, one question

(01:08:41) Senoj says to tyme:

(01:09:12 ฎ)Wraith's tyme says to Senoj:
can hypnosis be used in vt, say by phone? or is it only to be done face to face ?

(01:10:49 Signon) -•-Veracious-•- -•{leila}•- enters The Edge

(01:11:17) Senoj says to tyme:
Not having all the sense available makes it more difficult, to be sure, but it can be done just with voice contact like over the phone or voice chat. There are also some audio scripts available online, or a hypnotist could record a session for someone to play back later.

(01:11:18 ฎ)Wraith's tyme says to ~angel~:
takes this moment to throw an eraser at you, the birthday girl, while the teacher is typing *w*

(01:12:00 ฎ)Wraith's tyme says to Senoj:
thank You Sir *s*

(01:12:14) Senoj says to everyone:
Now for the good stuff

(01:12:24) SILVER SURFER says to Senoj:
it can be done by phone after being face to face first

(01:12:28) Senoj says to everyone:
A hypnosis session begins with an induction. The induction is the process that puts you into a trance. By the way, subspace is another form of trance, so it is very easy to transition from a bdsm scene to a hypnotic state.

(01:13:41) Senoj says to SILVER SURFER:
It depends on the person. If someone goes into trance easily, a first meeting might not be necessary. Trust also plays a big part

(01:14:33) Senoj says to SILVER SURFER:
Once we have finished with the induction, the real fun starts. In therapy we do convincers next so the person will have something that “proves” to them they were hypnotized. One common convincer is to suggest their feet are firmly stuck to the floor and they cannot move or lift them. I’m sure the kinkier types can already think of ways that can be used.

(01:15:18) Senoj says to everyone:
So what all can we do? The answer is lots of things. I’m only going to scratch the surface here.

(01:15:41) Senoj says to everyone:
Similar to the feet convincer I like to use what I call rope less bondage. Have the sub assume a position, like spread eagle, and then tell them they can’t move their hands or feet as if they were shackled in place.

(01:16:22) Senoj says to everyone:
That is an example of a direct suggestion. We can use them for a wide range of things, such as creating sensory hallucinations. By causing the sub to sense something that is not really there; sounds, tastes, smells, temperature changes, etc.

(01:16:59) Senoj says to everyone:
Two of the most fun are tactile and visual illusions. With tactile illusions we can have a sub experience physical sensations such as sexual intercourse, impacts like spanking or anything else you can imagine. One can even vary the intensity from non-existent to overwhelming.

(01:17:51) Senoj says to everyone:
Visual illusions could be seeing people that are not there, useful if a sub likes humiliation. It could be making the sub not see someone who is there, like the Dominant. They could grow body parts they were not born with, combined with touch illusion this can have some interesting effects.

(01:19:25 Signon) Sweet Daddy enters The Edge

(01:20:39) Senoj says to everyone:
A friend of mine does an erotic stage hypnosis show. One of the things he does is give the male’s breasts and the girls a penis. Its really funny when he tells a girl it stretches like a rubber band. He "stretch" it across the stage then let it go. The girl always reacts as if it just popped her like a rubber band.

(01:21:09) Senoj says to everyone:
Other suggestions can cause a sub to take certain actions when commanded, or to have certain reactions on command. Orgasms on command anyone?

(01:21:32 ฎ)Wraith's tyme says to Senoj:
laughs, well that answered my question Sir..... what parts?

(01:21:33 Signon) Darwin enters The Edge

(01:21:57) -•-Veracious-•- -•{leila}•- says to Senoj:
I always wondered if Orgasms on command were feasible

(01:22:12) Senoj says to everyone:
Up to now, these are all things I consider pretty light. However I will add some words of caution. Always remove any and all suggestions when you are done with them. Imagine leaving a suggestion in place where the sub has a loud orgasm every time she hears the word cookie. If that were not removed, what might happen at work the next day? She’d probably be able to suppress the reaction, unless there was a streak of exhibitionist to her.

(01:22:43)~angel~ says to -•-Veracious-•--•{leila}•-:
yup...think. Pavlov’s dogs...its conditioning a response

(01:22:49) SILVER SURFER says to -•-Veracious-•--•{leila}•-:
it can be done with suggested wording

(01:23:26) SILVER SURFER says to -•-Veracious-•--•{leila}•-:
aka hypnotic suggestion as its called now

(01:23:28) -•-Veracious-•--•{leila}•- says to ~angel~:
Well yes but I always heard cum on command without stimulation is bogus..with hypnosis it sounds possible now.

(01:23:49) Senoj says to -•-Veracious-•--•{leila}•-:
I have done it with two different methods. Hypnosis works quickly, but such a suggestion fades relatively quickly. I also use conditioning in long term relationships, it takes several months to set up, but works long term.

(01:23:56) SILVER SURFER says to -•-Veracious-•--•{leila}•-:
it is possible

(01:24:21 Signon) sweet(f)antasies enters The Edge

(01:24:35) -•-Veracious-•- -•{leila}•- says to Senoj:

(01:24:40) cake says to Senoj:
ok so what You are saying is it is possible but not getting how....

(01:25:37 Signon) Bragi ~lil alx~ enters The Edge

(01:26:02) Senoj says to cake:
The how is: Once you are in a trance, I say "Every time I tell you to CUM, you will have a very powerful orgasm."

(01:26:07) SILVER SURFER says to cake:
its hypnotic suggestion you put a word in the person s mind under hypnosis and when you are out of hypnotic state only time you CUM is when that word is said no matter where you are at

(01:27:22) Senoj says to everyone:
I have purposefully avoided getting to technical in the how of things because we could be here all week.

(01:27:29 ฎ) ‡ dark muse ‡ says to Senoj:
What's the difference between conditioned response and hypnotism? *s*

(01:27:59 ฎ) Wraith's tyme says to Senoj:
and there is Sunday's discussion time to go there with some more details *s* thank You Sir

(01:28:54)Rolling Thunder : quietly slips out waving to Aall

(01:28:58 Signoff) Rolling Thunder leaves The Edge

(01:29:04 Signon) maia enters The Edge

(01:29:25) Senoj says to ‡ dark muse ‡:
There are similarities and differences. The explanation gets complicated, if you'd like we can discuss afterward since conditioning is beyond what I was planning to cover tonight

(01:29:58) Senoj says to everyone:
That brings me to post hypnotic suggestions. These are the ones you don’t remove. They will tend to hang around anywhere from a couple of hours to a week, depending on the person and the nature of the suggestion. Orgasming on command is a good example of a common suggestion. Another may be that a girl is clumsy any time she tries to put on any panties, to the point that it is impossible for her to wear them.

(01:30:27 ฎ) ‡ dark muse ‡ says to Senoj:
oh let's save it for discussion ....that should be a good thread to get started...*s*

(01:30:37 Signon) SILVER SURFER enters The Edge

(01:31:22) Senoj says to everyone:
The next thing I want to discuss is role-playing, but first a serious warning. People who have a history of abuse or other traumatic experiences may have those things bottled up inside. What is worse is that they may not even be aware of it. This can sometimes come out unexpectedly as an abreaction. Be prepared to stop everything and do therapy if this should happen.

(01:31:31) Senoj says to everyone:
An abreaction is a release of emotional tension achieved through recalling a repressed traumatic experience.

(01:31:42 ฎ) ‡ dark muse ‡ says to ~angel~:
Happy Birthdayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!! *hugs you tightly, spinning you around the room*

(01:32:28) Senoj says to everyone:
At a hypnotist show in Las Vegas, one of the volunteers had an abreaction and went screaming to run off the side of the stage and slammed into a wall, over and over. The hypnotist had to calm him down and even did an impromptu therapy session right there on the spot.

(01:33:04) Senoj says to everyone:
Role-playing a situation that is close to something pent up has a higher chance of suffering such a reaction. What this boils down to is, if a person has been raped in the past, then for God’s sake don’t try to role-play a rape scene and be damned careful with anything that is close to forced sex.

(01:33:14) ~angel~ says to ‡ dark muse ‡:
gets all dizzy n laughs-....thank ya.....-whispers-...but...you're bein bad....kinda like it -g-

(01:34:00) Senoj says to everyone:
Fortunately abreactions are very rare. It is very important to know your sub.

(01:34:34) Senoj says to ‡ dark muse ‡:
~waves a paddle at the girls causing the disturbance~

(01:34:52) Senoj says to everyone:
That being said, hypnosis can really enhance ones role-playing sessions by enhancing the role immersion. Have a sub who enjoys playing the innocent little schoolgirl? Well you can create that persona and she “becomes” that schoolgirl. Enjoy a prisoner and guard scene, combine this with the illusion and your play space becomes a prison.

(01:35:46 ฎ) andrea gail says to ‡ dark muse ‡:
Welcome A/all to the The Edge, please refrain from open chatter that is non-class related and greetings while the lecture is in progress....*ducks*...lol

(01:36:06) Senoj says to everyone:
Finally we come to more traditional hypnotherapy. This applies to subs who want to break bad habits, get rid of phobias, etc. Also it is very good for slave training.

(01:36:20) -•-Veracious-•- -•{leila}•- says to Senoj: Why would you want to use hypnosis on a sub in a scene? Isn't that taking the sub out of the loop to enjoy the scene?

(01:37:17) -•-Veracious-•- -•{leila}•- says to everyone:
Taking the subs will away in a fashion rather

(01:38:45) Senoj says to -•-Veracious-•--•{leila}•-:
They are fully aware. You may be thinking that they are unconscious when in hypnosis. That’s the condition you give them all these fun commands. Then you "awaken" them, they are awake and alert but still in a deep trance. The goal is to enhance the experience.

(01:39:37) Senoj says to -•-Veracious-•--•{leila}•-:
But it is not taken away. Se my earlier statements about it being impossible to force a subject to do something against their nature

(01:40:33) -•-Veracious-•- -•{leila}•- says to Senoj:
I noted that -Nods- I guess I understand.

(01:40:45) Senoj says to -•-Veracious-•--•{leila}•-:
When you are in a good scene that takes the submissive into sub-space, that is a trance.

(01:40:57) -•-Veracious-•- -•{leila}•- says to Senoj:

(01:41:09 ฎ) Wraith's tyme says to Senoj:
and am i right in assuming that You are using hypnosis like any other activity, generally one the sub wants and has full knowledge of prior to the activity?

(01:41:21) Senoj says to everyone:
If you are interested in looking into hypnosis more deeply, I suggest a couple books to help you get started. First is The Complete Idiots Guide to Hypnosis. It does a good job of covering the basics.

(01:42:07) Senoj says to tyme: absolutely.
This is just another tool at the dominant's disposal

(01:42:33) Senoj says to everyone:
The second book is Fun With Hypnosis: The Complete How-To Guide. I suggest this one because it has several stage hypnosis scripts which with a little creativity can be adapted for kinkier use.

(01:43:29) Senoj says to everyone:
To summarize, hypnosis can be a huge enhancement to BDSM. Really there is no bigger rush for a dominant who gets off on the power exchange. Just remember to always remove suggestions so you don’t have unintended consequences and take the time to know your sub very well so you can avoid any hidden landmines and be ready to drop everything and offer support when you hit one despite your best efforts. Just like you would in any other scene.

(01:43:43) cake says to Senoj:
so if i read this right One could hypnotically suggest a branding without it happening ?

(01:44:09) Senoj says to cake:
not only could you. I have done it and it worked very well.

(01:45:29) Senoj says to everyone:
In order to keep this within the time constraints, I brushed over things very lightly. If any of you ever have any questions I am always happy to discuss it.

(01:45:40 Signoff) Bragi ~lil alx~ leaves The Edge

(01:46:00 ฎ) Wraith's tyme says to Senoj:
and plugs Sunday nights Discussion at 9pm EST *w*

(01:47:06) -•-Veracious-•- -•{leila}•- says to everyone:
Very interesting.

(01:47:12) Senoj says to everyone:
So, any other questions you'd like to ask?

(01:47:32 ฎ) Wraith's tyme says to Senoj:
i think it sounds like a great addition, well at least something i would like to try, saying that, i like trying lots ....at least once...... i am going to ask Wraith to consider it , oh as well He wanted me to apologize, He wanted to make tonight’s class but a rti got in His way today

(01:48:27) Senoj says to tyme:
no problem, you have the transcript, and can drag him in Sunday

(01:48:33 Signon) aaliyah enters The Edge

(01:48:47) -•-Veracious-•- -•{leila}•- says to everyone:
I can see hypnosis, if someone is receptive to it...as a tool to break down walls that the sub is harboring that is also harmful to them.

(01:48:49 ฎ) Wraith's tyme says to Senoj:
so this could be used to get over some soft limits? but would hard limits for the sub stay in place? assuming the sub really is against something?

(01:49:20) -•-Veracious-•- -•{leila}•- says to tyme:
Great minds

(01:49:37 ฎ) Wraith's tyme says to -•-Veracious-•- -•{leila}•-:
winks .... i knew i liked Your thinking *w*

(01:50:29) cake says to tyme:
is still trying to get past the true brat being quiet

(01:50:54 ฎ) Wraith's tyme says to cake:
you can talk now *w*

(01:50:55) Senoj says to tyme:
It is an excellent way to test soft limits as the sub knows its not real. See cake's question on branding, exploring limits is what we were doing at the time. Pushing a truly Hard limit is more likely to kick the sub right out of trance, just like certain interruptions will take them out of their headspace.

(01:51:03) ~angel~ says to cake:
=g= you cant go against your nature even with hypnosis cake

(01:51:12)-•-Veracious-•--•{leila}•-says to tyme:
Too kind, sweet one. -w-

(01:51:22) cake says to tyme:
ohh good *l* calls angel out

(01:51:41) ~angel~ says to everyone:

(01:52:10 ฎ) Wraith's tyme says to Senoj:
ok, that makes sense...... thank You Sir..... i think i might just be trying this, for fun and use *s* if W is interested too *s*

(01:52:35) aaliyah says to everyone:
*gently waves to A/all after reading back as far as she can* Good evening E/everyone

(01:52:57) Senoj says to aaliyah:
hi there aaliyah

(01:52:57) SILVER SURFER says to aaliyah:

(01:53:08 ฎ) Wraith's tyme says to Senoj:
and thank You again Sir for the class/lecture/talk....... i think it was great and i appreciate Your time and efforts *s* can't wait to ask more on Sunday evening *s* thank You again *s*

(01:53:16 ฎ) ‡ dark muse ‡ says to aaliyah:
evening beauty *hugs* *s*

(01:53:18) cake says to Senoj:
i have seen hypnosis in a bar on a group one of which my best friend was part of it was hilarious of course but she so did not smoke weed and when suggested took one toke and threw it away

(01:53:21) aaliyah says to Senoj:
Good evening Sir.. from what i was able to see it sounds very interesting Sir.

(01:53:32) aaliyah says to SILVER SURFER:
hello Surfer *smiles*

(01:54:58) Senoj says to -•-Veracious-•--•{leila}•-:
If you are the type that really enjoys power exchange, there is no greater rush then hypno. A friend of a friend, hypnotist but not into BDSM, went into a play party dungeon for the first time, looked around and said "I get what you're doing, but what's with all the furniture?"

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